chapter 8: chunin exams 3 and a half/3

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we had to do a preliminary part because there was to many teams. When we got there, My teammates were nervous as They knew I hated to fight but they didn't say. I hated fighting but I did because I had to be subtle about the thing in me. I had to give it blood since I knew it was dangerous. In return, It gave me strength but my emotions were all over the place.

Miyo and Kuno both failed to two rock ninja who were way to cocky. "Idiots" I said to them "Hey! we tried!" They yelled back. I hit them both on the head and yelled back at them" DON'T YELL AT ME YOU IDIOTS!" I was getting stares from all around but just didn't care. I helped them up and healed their heads. "Sorry-" Kuno said "yea" Miyo added. "Whatever" I said. My fight was next. "Kazumi of the village hidden in the mist, ugh" I thought. I jumped down to see yet ANOTHER cocky person. "Really? This girl? Don't make me laugh!" She giggled. I rolled my eyes and walked over. I looked up at all the people still up there. "Begin!"  Hayate (the instructor) said. The young girl bulted at me, faster than light. I jumped away and formed a jutsu. "trapping style: invisible trap" I whispered. The only people that heard it were team 7 who I was closest to during the time. The team sensei looked confused as only the strongest ninja hidden in plain sight knew that, but I ignored it and finished "seal" The girl was running fast but I caught her in a trap but It wasn't visible so the girl was confused. I formed more hand signs and said "crystal style: crystle knives" loud enough for the girl to hear. She screamed in pain and fell to the floor. I picked her head up and smashed it into the ground causing a huge crater to form and many gasps coming from the audience. In the dust cloud formed I looked at her arm and picked it up, I wanted more blood so I broke it. More screams came, louder than before. I licked the blood on her arm of before throwing her into the ground again causing her ribs, other arm, and leg to break with a loud crack. The dust cleared and everyone saw the girl on the floor with a disfigured body and looked shocked. "That's gotta be off limits" I heard someone say. I looked up at them and saw a boy in green, Lee, who stopped talking when I looked up.  My eyes were now pitch black and soulless. "winner of the match, y/n l/n" I smirked at the girl who had fear in her eyes, I stopped and disappeared to my teammates. 

After all the fights played out and I was bored. When everything was done, we were called up to get a number. I went and got a number, or so I thought. I would be fighting the winner of Naruto's match. OF course it had to be his! Ugh. (It will be before gaara and sasuke's) I looked at him to see him looking at Neji. "Oh boy"

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