chapter 12: DON'T TELL HIM

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After 5 minutes, I pulled my knees into my chest and began to cry. I was really sad, I wanted to see my little brother and my friends.I heard a branch snap and I jumped up into a fighting stance and I saw Naruto in the forest trees a little in front of me. I fell back to the floor and covered my face. "W..WHAT DO YOU WANT!" I said trying to hold in tears. I was an emotional mess. "I saw you run here and then cry, so i thought I'd check on you. Dattebayo" He said. "Just go" "Nope. Answer the question." "FINE.. Im not ok. Now go" He walked up to me and hugged me "sorry if this is weird but It might help" I started to cry more as he hugged me "whats wrong?" He said, I sucked in my breath and just shook my head. I ended up falling asleep with him hugging me.

Naruto's pov:

I asked her whats wrong but the woman just shook her head and she soon drifted to sleep, she leaned in on my shoulder and I couldn't help but blush. I never had a girl this close to me. I tried to lay her down on the tree and I saw her face. It was..Y/N?! I just sat there in shock. I tried laying her down again but when I did she wouldn't let go of my arm.  "what the" I whispered as I tried to pull away. I guess I have to stay here till she wakes up.

Y/N's pov:

I woke up a while later to feel warmth from next to me, I just curled up and pulled whatever it was closer. I stayed put till I heard them talk. "Umm, could you let me go?" I opened my eyes and saw Naruto sitting there, I remembered what happened before I fell asleep but I just didn't care. I curled up more and said "No" I was really tired and fell back asleep. I don't remember what happened after that.

The next day I awoke to someone carrying me. I opened my eyes and saw Naruto just carrying me back to the village. "what are you.." I started to say when he just looked down and said "Im bringing you back since you fell asleep and stayed like that all night with me next to you, Dattebayo. You wouldn't let go" I felt my face burn up as I jumped from his grasp and punched him into a tree. "JUST WAKE ME BAKA" I screamed and ran away.

I made it back to the place we were staying, packed up and waited for my team to be ready. "Y/N? Where were you last night?"  My teammates asked at the same time. "N..Nowhere! let's just go" Miyo knew I had a crush on a leaf nin but Never said anything or really cared, she used that against me and asked "were you with that boy? You know the one with bl-" I cut her off by punching her down the street and yelled "DON'T EVEN TRY!" At this point I was getting started at by the people on the street till I saw Naruto and his team, well, just him and that girl with pink hair trying to help her. Kuno didn't understand what she meant so he looked at me and saw I was looking down at the floor trying to hide my blush. "Oh I get it now!" He said, I punched him to. "SHUT UP!" I said as I continued to walk down the street to get Miyo. "What the hell are you punching them for." The girl asked me when I reached Miyo. "Shut up pinkitte" I said as I picked up Miyo. "Hey Y/N chan" Naruto said. Miyo looked at me and smirked, she was about to say something when pinkitte cut her of and said "Im not pinkitte I'm Haruno Sakura!" "Shut up will ya!" Miyo said and she looked back at me and added "Where you with Y/N last night blondie?" Naruto nodded his head and said "she wouldn't let my arm go." Sakura immediately caught on and tried to say something but I just put my hand over her mouth and said "don't you dare say a word" We all began to walk away when I heard her say something "Naruto, I think she likes you" I turned red and ran back and punched her saying "SHUT UP!" and disappeared. 

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