"Do you happen to know a Willi.. uh.." he thought to himself again, unsure of that was his name.

Yes, I know a William Afton.

"William Afton. Do you know a William Afton?" he asked.

I pretended to think. "Hey.. isn't he that guy who runs that place.. what was it? Freddy Fazbears Pizza?"

"Freddy what?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"I don't know him personally, but I know of him." I responded.

"Do you know where I could find him?" he questioned.

I chuckled. "Already looking for somebody the moment you leave prison?"

"Oh it's not like that. He's.. He's my son, you know? I never got the chance to apologize. I was a terrible father." he looked into his hands.

I sighed. "He owns a pizzeria with his friend. You can find him in Hurricane."

"Hurricane? I thought he would've left Hurricane." he chuckled with uncertainty.

"Do you want me to let him know you're going to see him?" I asked.

"Oh christ no. I think I might need to mentally prepare myself before I can." he shook his head.

You, need to mentally prepare yourself? I'm not a big fan of Mr. Afton myself, but if anything, I believe he needs mental preparation.

Henry's POV

I held the screwdriver in my mouth as I twisted a gear on Bonnie's spare head when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I muffled through the screwdriver.

The door opened and it revealed Margaret's red hair.

"Oh hello Margaret!" I took the screwdriver out of my mouth. "How are you today?"

Margaret sat down in front of me. "Hello Mr. Emily. I'm doing okay."

"That's good. Can I help you with anything?" I asked.

"Actually, yeah. I was wondering about the new location? I was told it would be ready for hiring in a month, but they seem to be hiring now." Margaret sat back.

"Nor William or Willow spoke to you about it? Hm, I would've thought they did. They told all the other employees." I said.

"They didn't, Mr. Emily. I don't know why." Margaret had a sad look on her face.

"I'm sorry about that. Do you have any questions about it?" I crossed my arms over the desk.

Margaret chuckled nervously. "Applications, maybe?"

"Applications? Don't be silly Margaret! You're already a loyal employee of Freddy's, we know everything we need to know about you. If you'd like, you can start when the location opens." I smiled.

"Wait, seriously? That was easier than I thought! Thanks Mr. Emily, you're the best!" Margaret stood.

"It's no problem." I watched as she headed for the door.

Margaret's POV

It was a little too easy, Mr. Emily.

I have no problem with you, of course. You're a kind man. But you might after I take things away from you.

I walked away from his office and walked back into the main room where William and Willow were.

They were by the front desk where Willow had been leaning her head on Williams shoulder, both laughing and smiling at a paper in their hands.


Man 1 told me I have to get them to like me at least a little bit, so here goes nothing.

I fixed my hair and straightened my shirt, walking up to to them.

When they noticed me approaching, Willow took her head off of William's shoulder and William slammed the paper on the table, shoving it in the trash right after. He cleared his voice and fixed his posture, looking down as Willow did the same.

They're so weird.

I leaned against the front desk. "What's up guys?"

"Nothing." Willow spoke lowly.

"You guys seemed to be having a good time, what were you laughing at?" I asked with a smile.

"Nothing serious." William spoke.

I nodded and kept smiling, though I wanted to grab whatever was inside the trash bin.

I looked at William, who instead of wearing a purple blouse under his tailored vest, he was wearing a white one. "Nice shirt. What happened to the purple ones?"

"In the wash." William responded.

Willow looked at me oddly, like she was thinking about something.

It's hard to have a conversation with someone when they respond in small bits.

"Heard about the new restaurant. Hope it's going great for you guys!" I crossed my arms over the table.

Both William and Willow lightly widened their eyes, William still looking down and Willow still looking at me.

"Margaret, Giuseppe actually called for you a while ago. I told him I didn't know where you were, but now that you're here, you should probably get to him." Willow told.

I know Giuseppe didn't call. How stupid do you think I must be?

I took my arms off the table and pushed my glasses up. "Very well then. I'll see you two later!"

"Yeah." Willow watched me walk away.

William's POV

I watched Willow watch Margaret walk away.

Each day Margaret finds another way to upset me more and more. I won't do anything to her, only because Henry knows I don't like her and that'll automatically make me a suspect.

She never bothered me much in high school. I noticed Willow would pick on her sometimes, but I don't know what happened while I was gone. But now, she's really starting to get on my nerves.

She wasn't supposed to know about the new location, for as long as we could hold it off. She eventually would find out, since it's obviously a new place opening in a small town, but I really thought we could hold it off for a little longer.

We really don't want her working at the new location.

Willow turned to me with a baffled look. "Does she remind you of Julia a bit? Her smile.. it's just.."

"I thought so too." I uncomfortably shifted in my vest. I don't need a Julia 2.0.

Willow placed a hand on my shoulder. "It won't happen again, at least not while I'm here. And you already know I'm not going anywhere." she looked up at me.

I looked down at her.

She's so sweet. God and she's so beautiful too. Her brown eyes were no match for mine. If our eyes were in a battle, I certainly would look away first.

Willow's smile lightly faded the longer she looked up at me, like she had something on her mind.

There's nothing more that I want right now than for her to just say whatever she wanted to say.

She was spaced out as she looked at me, and her lips were lightly parted just enough to reveal her white tooth. I would be lying if I said I wasn't battling the urge to space out looking at her as well.

My hand reached for a curl in her hair that stuck out from the others. I smiled as I lightly pulled and played with it. Willow seemed to have snapped out of her daze and notice me playing with her hair.

"Love, I'm gonna go talk to Henry, you can come with if you'd like." I said in between a smile.

She simply nodded, not saying anything as she followed me out of the main room.

quietly sobs

Not Guilty // William AftonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora