thirty six

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tw: mention of suicide

I was asleep on Henry's shoulder. I called him once I drove myself to the hospital. I felt terrible waking him up at such a time at night, but I figured he would want to know what happened to his best friend asap.

Henry and I were sitting in the waiting room all night. They had to give William blood since he lost a lot of it, so it took a while. But I was asleep, and Henry's head was asleep on top of mine.

People walked in and out of the hospital all night, while Henry and I just waited. We waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, until we eventually couldn't wait anymore and shut our eyes.

"Excuse me? Are you two Henry Emily and Willow Lister?" A nurse walked up to us.

I fluttered my eyes open, slowly lifting my head from Henry's shoulder as he woke up from my movement, not from the nurse speaking.

"Sorry?" I was confused.

"Are you Willow Lister?" The nurse asked.

I quickly woke up and stood from my chair, Henry still taking in his surroundings. "Yes, yes that's me." I eagerly nodded.

"Great. You two follow me then." The nurse smiled and began walking into a hall.

Henry quickly stood up when he remembered where he was and what was happening. We both nervously followed behind the nurse.

The two of us walked close to each other, both having a million thoughts racing our minds at the same time. I can't imagine how Henry must feel.

Wondering why his best friend closed himself off in a room for hours straight after saying they were simply going to check on something, just to find out they ended up trying to commit. Henry was really proud of William too, he believed he was getting better.

And he was.. somewhat. But whatever bafoon bailed the sick shit out of jail ruined it all for all of us, not just William. Mainly William though.

I can't even imagine how Henry went home thinking everything would be okay, then waking up to a call in the middle of the night to news of his best friend trying to kill himself. What did he even tell his wife?

The nurse stopped in front of a door and turned to us. "So, the blood transplant was a success. We couldn't find his blood type, so we went straight for O positive since we didn't have much time to look deeper for his type. He is awake, he is fully functioning, he is still a little tired and lethargic, and a little dizzy. Good news is, he will be able to go home today. The injury did end up being on his dominant arm, so sometimes he might just need a little help with very small things. It shouldn't be too much work."

Henry sighed. "Thank god. You don't understand what went through my head when I heard the news."

The nurse chuckled. "We tried talking to him when he woke up, but the first thing he said was 'Henry, Willow. Henry and Willow, where are they?'"

"Can you please let us in now?" I asked, impatient.

"Of course." The nurse stepped to the side.

Henry reached for the handle and carefully pushed the door open, allowing me to enter first. I nervously walked inside.

William was sitting on the edge of the bed, playing with a thick bandage wrapped around his wounded arm. He was back in his regular bloody clothes.

I stopped in my tracks as Henry quickly rushed in front of me and didn't even give William a chance to see him. Henry immediately pulled William into the tightest bear hug he's possibly given.

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