"The way is shut." Legolas translated, "It was made by those who are dead, and the Dead keep it. The way is shut."


Rin had barely finished the thought before a gust of air (or something) was blown from the entrance, carrying with it a ridiculously concentrated scent of that same death he had smelt earlier. Kuro abruptly jumped into his bag, and the horses spooked, nearly trampling the group as they tore free from their reins and ran.

The horses disappeared into the mist, and Aragorn resolutely turned back to the door after his short lived attempt to call back their steeds. "I do not fear death." He strode into the darkness. Legolas and Rin quickly followed the ranger.

Gimli gritted his teeth. "Well, this is a thing unheard of ... An Elf will go underground when a Dwarf dare not. Oh! I'd never hear the end of it!"

He plunged into the tunnel behind the others.


The four companions made their way carefully deeper into the mountain, Aragorn holding a torch while a few blue flames floated around them thanks to Rin.

Oh, also, they were completely surrounded by ghosts that apparently only him, Kuro, and Legolas could actually spot.

Gimli held his axe close, he did not like this mountain. "What is it? What do you see?" he finally asked the two, after watching them staring at their surroundings.

"I see the shapes of men. And of horses," Legolas answered softly "Where?" Rin scowled as he watched his flame pass straight through a horse. "Everywhere." I hate ghosts.

Kuro watched Gimli's growing panic. "Maybe I should give him a Temptaint."

Please don't.

Abruptly, Aragorn said, "Don't look down." An ominous cracking beneath their feet echoed in the chamber.

Rin immediately looked down to the pleasant sight of bones beneath their feet.

Ah, yes, this is not okay.

They walked into a giant hall and a green figure appeared before them. He was a ghost unlike any Rin had seen before. Half rotted and green, unlike the transparent but fully colored ghosts he knew.

"Who enters my domain?" The King of the Dead demanded.

"One who will have your allegiance." Aragorn stated firmly.

"The Dead do not suffer the living to pass." He answered before his gaze drifted to Rin, eyeing the rosary he was holding...

"You will suffer me." The King of the Dead laughed- Well, that's a bad sign -and the ghosts Rin had seen before moved to surround their group, becoming nearly opaque as they did so. "The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead. And the Dead keep it. The way is shut. Now you must die."

"Just for the record, I was always against this idea."

Legolas released an arrow; it went through the one it was aimed at as if through thin air.

"I summon you to fulfill your oath." Aragorn tried again.

"None but the King of Gondor may command me." The ghost King sneered. In answer, Aragorn lifted his blade. The King of the Dead attacked him with his own sword, Aragorn parried and then grabbed the King by his throat. Wait, what?

"That line was broken.", the ghost gasped out, shocked by Aragorn's actions. "It has been remade.", the ranger snarled before he released the King, and addressed The Dead surrounding him. "Fight for us, and regain your honor." He walked through the crowd of ghosts. "What say you?" The Dead shuffled about and looked uncertain, although a few of them stared resolutely at the rosary held in Rin's hands.

"You waste your time, Aragorn! They had no honor in life, they have none now in death." Gimli snarled. Not helping, Gimli.

"I am Isildur's heir. Fight for me, and I will hold your oaths fulfilled!" Aragorn called out and the Dead watched Aragorn, unable to decide.

"What say you?! You have my word! Fight, and I will release you from this living death!" Aragorn called out and the Dead began to disappear. "What say you?!" Desperation had crept into the ranger's voice.

The mist that had covered the floor then rose up, and the ghosts began to disappear as the ground shook.

That's a bad sign.

Rin heard the stone cracking before he saw it. ...Skulls. Oh my dear lord jesus there are skulls pouring out of the walls.

"Nope, nope nope" he whispered in horror.

"Out!" Aragorn commanded, and Rin already was but okay I guess. They were also trying to avoid the falling skulls ( :((((( ) as they fell on them.

Ahead was a small opening in the cave wall, which the group ducked through just in time to see their path blocked by the debris.

That was ... awful.

The smell of smoke wafted through the air, and Rin turned to see a battalion of black, decidedly evil looking ships sailing through the river in the valley below, the villages in their wake left aflame.

Aragorn fell to his knees at the grim sight, and Legolas wrapped an arm around the half-demon's shoulders.

We can't win against that, can we?

"Not on the water. They aren't orcs, not stupid enough to stand around as your flames attack." said Kuro, their two tails waving around anxiously. Rin felt his own doing the same.

A noise came from the cave behind them, and the group whipped around, weapons half drawn, to see the King of the Dead staring solemnly at them.

"We fight."


Hii thanks for waiting lol.

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