Chapter 5 Helping hand

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Hey guys, sorry for taking so long to release this chapter. It's just that I had exams, and also I am a huge procrastinator but fear not, for this chapter is now done, so I hope you enjoy.

Also, this is a long chapter, so be warned.


So why the hell did my brother and I agree to fight fucking wolves again?' Athena thought as she and her brother analyzed the goblins

'Yeah, this might not go well, especially since these goblins have no muscle. They look like glorified children, cute ones at that,' she thought as she held herself back from pinching a pink-haired goblin's cheeks

"Do you all understand our situation?" Rimaru asked.

"Yes, we are prepared to fight against the dire wolves even if it costs us our lives," the red bandanna goblin said as he saluted, causing Athena to almost squeal at how cute it was but held back

"No need to get worked up; just be chill; what matters is that we go out there and do the best we can!"

"Without dying!" Athena added in quickly, making her receive a slight glare from her brother as the goblins looked at them in admiration

"Ok, can someone please show us your wounded," Athena said but was horrified when they arrived there with a lot of goblins looking to be in terrible shape

"We did the best that we could," the Elder said as Athena walked over to one goblin that was bleeding heavily from its poorly bandaged stomach; wanting to help, she kneeled down and put her hands over his stomach and used a skill, she picked up while in the cave

As her hands started glowing, the goblin's wound was closing up slowly before finally being healed, erasing the goblin's pain as he stopped whimpering.

"W-what did my lady just do," the Elder stuttered in shock.

"Oh, she healed him. It's a skill she learned awhile back," Rimaru said as he engulfed one of the goblins

"Wait, what are you doing, my lord," the Elder said in worry. "Oh, he's just healing him," Athena said as her brother then spit the goblin out, who was now fully healed.

"What the, my wounds," the goblin said as he woke up

As the two goblins marveled over what just happened, Rimaru went back to healing the others, engulfing them then spitting them out as Athena sat in the background, relaxing due to the energy it took to heal that one goblin

'Does he have to be that rough with them' she thought as her brother spit the goblins out, making them land on their faces.

"Wow, you truly are magnificent, my lord and lady," the Elder said as the goblins bowed down to them again

After her brother popped out, the last healed goblin, she turned towards them.

"Now then, about the village, we'll need to fortify it with a fence," Rimaru and Athena said as the goblins nodded in understanding

Now prepared, everyone stood still when the dire wolves arrived, looking ready to attack as Athena's brother stood in front of the fence.

"Turn back now, and nobody gets hurt," He said

"This is your only warning," Athena yelled from behind the fence.

"You insolent wrenches, do you two think a dire wolf would really listen to a foolish slime and puny girl," the dire wolf said as he insulted them.

"HEY, WHO YOU CALLING PUNY, YOU MUTT I'LL BEAT YOUR ASS!" Athena yelled in anger, causing the wolf to growl in anger over the insult


That time I got reincarnated as a inhuman girlWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu