Chapter 3 Old ally

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'So why did the hell did I think I could survive on my own in the woods? God, I'm such an idiot,' Aiko whined in her head as her stomach started growling again

It was a day into her journey, and she was already failing to travel to the mountain. "Wait, didn't I already pass this spot? What the hell? Wait, SHIT, I'm going in circles," she said while panting as she stopped walking to try to figure out what she was going to do.

'Ok, Aiko, I know we only use our super smarts to pull pranks, but for the first time, we have to use them for something else, and that is finding our way through this fucking forest,' Aiko thought as she put on her imaginary thinking cap.

"Ok, think of the trajectory of where we are; come on, come on, come on, aha!" Aiko said in happiness as she finally managed to figure out where she was with the added help of her super smarts

"Ok, from the trajectory of the sun, I should be heading east, and then after, I'll be at the mountain innnn...4 hours!?" "So I've been that close to it this whole time. What the hell" Aiko said in disbelief as she was pissed she had been roaming around the woods without knowing she was so close to her destination

"You know what, whatever I need to hurry up and get a move on," she said as she started walking again, but this time in the right direction, unlike last time

-Time Skip-

"FINALLY, I MADE IT, TAKE THAT FOREST!" Aiko yelled in happiness as she finally made it to the doors after a day of confusion, missed turns, and constant cussing in fury

"Now, how am I gonna open it," she said as she turned around towards the door. "Crap, now I gotta think about it," she said as she once again put on her imaginary thinking cap. "Mmmmmm wait aha, my phasing ability will do perfectly for this," she said, smiling with stars in her eyes

"But wait, my phasing ability is the one I have the most challenging time activating, dang it." She whined. "Curse you school moondrop for not accepting my application for power training!" she shouted in fury

"Ok, ok, deep breath, calm down, we can do this, yeah!" she said in determination as she ran to the front of the doors, putting her hands on it. She tried for 20 minutes to phase through it but couldn't, so in frustration, she cussed like a sailor and then tried to push the doors open for a solid 2 hours but couldn't to no avail.

"DAMN IT," she yelled while running her hands through her curly black hair like crazy "Why won't it work," Aiko said as she tried again then, again and again, for four hours straight Aiko tried but kept failing every time "FUCK!" she cussed in despair sitting down on the ground in defeat "Why couldn't I have just died with my village? Why did it have to be me that survived" she whispered as she broke down in tears

"I can't do this by myself. I can't," Aiko said as she cried. "I wish Satoru were here right now," she said as she hugged her legs to her chest and slowly was pulled into a flashback

"Flatty," "Ugly," "Stupid," "Nerd,," Some kids said as they taunted 12-year-old Aiko as she cried, "Hey, scram, you brats," a relatively younger Satoru yelled at the kids as he ran towards them. "Oh crap," the kids said as they immediately ran away

Slowing down, Satoru put his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath before looking over at Aiko in worry. "Are you ok, Aiko?" he said as he bent down towards her

Aiko, who was still crying, shook her head. "Onii-san i-is i-it t-true t-that I-I'm t-those t-things i-is m-my s-skin r-really u-ugly," she stuttered as she wiped her tears. "Of course not, Aiko, your none of those things; your brown skin is beautiful just the way it is," he said as he hugged her. "T-thank y-you."

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