Chapter 65 - volcano

Start from the beginning

"That's very strange. It shouldn't...oh my!" Aunt Wu gasps out of shock as she looks at the new skull-shaped cloud that Aang, Mizuki and Katara had formed. Aang, Mizuki, and Katara arrive on Appa. Aang quickly jumps off Appa and faces the crowd.

"We still can save the village if we act fast. Sokka has a plan!" Shouts Aang as he points at Sokka.

"Lava is gonna flow downhill to this spot. If we can dig a deep enough trench we can channel all the lava away from the village to the river" Explains Sokka.

"If any of you are earthbenders, come with me" States Aang as he raises his hand.

"I'm an earthbender!" Shouts a young boy.

"I'm not!" Exclaims his twin.

"Everybody else grab a shovel! Come on! We've gotta hurry!" Yells Sokka as another explosion resonates. The crowd disperses very fast, now desperate to put Sokka's plan into action. Team Avatar and the town's people labor to dig the trench, using both earthbending and manual means. Meanwhile Appa is transporting loose boulders, using a net attached to his body. Another explosion is heard, and now lava is beginning to spew out.

"Dig faster! Dig faster!" Shouts Sokka as lava begins to flow down the volcano. A torrent of boulders is cleared and sent down the river as an earthbender creates a channel toward the river. Aang leaps onto the edge of the trench. In the background, the lava steadily creeps further down the mountain toward the village.

"Everyone needs to evacuate! We'll come for you when it's safe!" Shouts Aang as everyone begins to run away. A stream of stream of the burning liquid is coursing down the mountain and into the forest. Aang, Mizuki, Sokka, and Katara's faces are illuminated by the approaching lava as they watch anxiously, ash falling down upon them.

An eerie reddish light emerges from the forest with its source, the approaching lava, close behind. As it passes the gate, the burning substance causes the structure to catch fire and crumble down. Unwavering and all-consuming, the lava continuous its descent through the cemetery, destroying several headstones as it passes. Reaching the trench, the lava falls in the ditch, though the steady incoming river of lava quickly threatens to overflow the trench.

"It's too much! It's gonna overflow!" Points out Katara worriedly. Another explosion rocks the village. A huge column of lava and smoke explodes out of the peak. Burning rocks begin to rain down in addition to the ash. Katara and Sokka begin to run for safety but turn around to see Aang hasn't moved.

"Aang! It's dangerous!" Shouts Mizuki as she reaches out for him. However, before she can touch Aang, he rushes forwards with a serious expression written over his face. He propels himself into the air and begins to airbend. As the lava begins to overflow, Aang blows the lava straight up, not allowing it to advance on the village. Finally, he draws in a mighty intake of breath and expels it, airbending it as it exits, cooling all the lava to stone. Sokka, Katara and Mizuki watch in surprise.

"Man, sometimes I forget what a powerful bender that kid is" Says Sokka as he watches Aang.

"Yeah" Mumbles Mizuki. Does someone as strong as Aang really need a protector...? Aang stands in front of Aunt Wu, offering her back the cloud book he took.

"By the way, we kind of borrowed your book" Admits Aang sheepisly.

"So you messed with the clouds, did you?" Asks Aunt Wu as she grabs her book angrily while Tora looks down guilty.

"Very clever!" Chuckles the woman.

"No offense, but I hope this taught everyone a lesson about not relying too much on fortune telling" States Sokka.

"But Aunt Wu predicted the village wouldn't be destroyed and it wasn't. She was right, after all" Beams a villager.

"I hate you" Scoffs Sokka. However, before he can do anything, Mizuki puts her arms around his stomach and holds him back.

"It's okay Sokka" Reassures Mizuki as she lets go of him.

"Can I ask you something?" Asks Aang as he turns around to face Aunt Wu.

"Of course, honey" Replies Aunt Wu.

"You didn't really see love in my fortune, did you? You just told me what I wanted to hear" States Aang upset.

"I'll tell you a little secret, young airbender. Just as you reshaped those clouds, you have the power to shape your own destiny" Informs Aunt Wu as she points at the sky and Aang begins to smile.


Team Avatar is getting ready to leave the village. Aang airbends himself onto Appa's neck and grabs the reins while Katara and Sokka climb onto Appa's back. Tora rushes towards Mizuki and hugs her.

"You better write me a letter or two" Chuckles Tora as he lets go of Mizuki.

"Don't worry, I will" Beams Mizuki as she places her hand on Tora's shoulder.

"Don't miss me too much!" Jokes Tora as he waves at Mizuki who airbends herself onto Appa's saddle.

"Goodbye everyone! It was so nice to meet you!" Exclaims Katara happily.

"Take care Meng!" Mizuki waves at the younger girl who waves back.

"Take care!" Replies Meng while Appa turns away and starts to ascend. As soon as they're out of sight, Meng's smile dissapears.

"Floozy" She scoffs. Upon hearing this, Tora pinches Meng's cheek.

"Ow!" Grunts Meng.

"That's my friend you're talking to!" Scolds Tora angrily.

"I'm sorry! Okay?" Apologizes Meng as Tora lets go of her cheek.

To be continued

Word count: 1.427

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