Chapter 22 - rhino's

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- Third POV -

Mizuki started running towards the Kyoshi warriors dojo as fast as she could while Suki and Sokka were still training inside of the dojo. Suki thrusts her hand, holding the fan forward, only to have it blocked by Sokka.

"Not bad" Says Suki while smiling impressed at Sokka. Sokka smiles back at her with confidence. Suddenly they turn around to see Mizuki standing infront of the dojo with a exhausted and concerned expression. Half of Mizuki's face paint was gone and her hair looked wet.

"Zuko...rhinos..." Huffs Mizuki exhausted. Suki and Sokka give each other a confused look. Sokka walks up to Mizuki and pats her shoulder.

"Hey, calm down. What happend?" He asks. Mizuki takes a deep breath and brushes some dust off her clothing.

"Zuko has arrived on the shores, we need to defend the island" Warns Mizuki. Suki quickly turns around to face the other Kyoshi warriors.

"Girls, come quickly!" Shouts Suki as she runs out of the dojo, the other warriors follow her.

"Hey, I'm not a-" Protests Sokka while Momo jumps on his shoulder and pushes himself off towards the door. Mizuki grabs Sokka's arm and starts running to catch up with the Kyoshi warriors.

"Oh, whatever!" Says Sokka as he follows Mizuki.


Zuko and three other soldiers mounted on komodo rhinos are standing at the base of the Kyoshi statue.

"Come out Avatar!" You can't hide from me forever!" Shouts Zuko as he looks at the empty streets of the village.

"Find him" Commands Zuko. While Zuko and his crew start moving forward on their rhinos the Kyoshi warriors silently approach them. Ready to attack them. A few Kyoshi warriors jump down from the houses roofs and kick off the soldiers who were riding the rhinos. Mizuki lands in font of the lead rhino and opens her fans, the rider stabs at her with his spear. She moves to the right, disarms the rider and jumps up to knock him off his steed with a spinning kick. Suki runs towards Zuko, she moves to the left to advoid a fire blast of the prince. She jumps over another blast and tries to attack Zuko from the air, but he turns his rhino. The beast slams Suki away with a might sweep of his tail, knocking her down.

 Zuko shoots a fire blast at Suki who's laying on the ground, but right before it could of have burned her Sokka jumps in front of her and holds his shield up. Sokka prepares to fight Zuko, but before he could do anything, another Kyoshi warrior jumps of a nearby roof and knocks a surprised Zuko off his rhino. The beast dashes away, Mizuki notices this and rushes towards the rhino unnoticed. She bends a small portion of water, turns it into ice and cuts the girth. Then she moves on to the next rhino. Mizuki managed to cut most of the rhino's saddle straps unnoticed.

"I guess training's over" Says Sokka as he glances at Suki before running to Zuko who's laying on the ground. The prince angrily opens his eyes and pushes himself up. Zuko rapidly spins around on his hand while shooting fire out of his feet, knocking down the Kyoshi warrior back into the house and slamming Suki against a wooden pole, where she collapses in pain. Then he proceeds to send a fire blast towards Sokka's direction, Sokka jumps over the fire, but as soon as he lands Zuko sweeps his feet from underneath him. Sokka falls on his back and Zuko jumps over him to the middle of the street.

"Nice try, Avatar! But these little girls can't save you" Zuko looks angrily around and suddenly sees a girl in Kyoshi warrior clothes who's face paint was almost gone. He creates a fire blast and sends it flying towards the girl, however the girl dodges it with ease. The girl stands still right in front of Zuko, staring into his eyes with anger. She quickly bends the snow on the roof of the house next to them and turns it into water. Suddenly Zuko's eyes widen.

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