Ariana's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning feeling like crap. I was used to this feeling. It's been this way ever since Y/N left. It was my fault she walked out on us. It was my fault that the entire group moved out and now everyone lives separately.

From a distance I watched her marry Camila. I watched them move in together. I watched it all. If only I could go back.


Once again it was past midnight and Y/N had yet to come home. Lately she's been coming home smelling like perfume. She won't tell me where she's been or what she's doing. I was only left to assume the worst.

I hear the bedroom door open and close. My nose fills up with a strong feminine fragrance. I knew we were gonna argue about it once again just like we've been doing for awhile now.

"Where were you?" I ask.

"Out. I was doing something for work." She answers.

"Work that involves you coming home smelling like another bitch? Who are you with that you're coming home past midnight everyday?" I ask, my voice slightly getting louder.

"Oh here we go. You just love to accuse me of cheating. I'm sorry but I'm not like you nor will I ever be." Y/N snaps.

Ouch. She loves to throw that in my face constantly. I thought we moved on from that.

"Don't flip this on me. I'm not the one coming home late all the time." I yell.

"You know what I can't take the constant arguments. I don't know if I can handle this anymore. I'm done. You don't trust me and that's evident. I will never in a million years cross you like that. You wanna know what I was doing so bad then here. I'm sorry Ariana but I don't think we're fit to get married." Y/N says sadly as she slides the engagement ring off her finger.

"Y/N baby no what are you doing?" I ask with tears filling my eyes.

"All we do is argue and fight. You love to start fights with me. I can't do this. I've been creating a fragrance line and my first one was gonna be a surprise for you. Hope you're happy." She says and places a box on the nightstand.

She looks at me one more time before disappearing back out the door. Just like that she was gone and we were done. Why couldn't I just take her word for it all those times she said it was nothing?

I grabbed the small box that she left. 'Y/N Sky Moonlight. Inspired by my fiancé Ariana Grande' the box read. I opened it and the bottle was shaped like a crescent moon. It smelled exactly like Y/N. The way she came home all those nights smelling like someone else. This was that smell.

I put the box back on the nightstand and cried my eyes out. I just ruined my entire life. She's the only one for me and now she's gone.

End of flashback.

I sighed and proceeded to take a morning shower. I haven't done much of anything since she left. In the last four years I dropped a few singles and only one album. Thank u next 2 is what I called it. It did really well and I'm grateful but I didn't have it in me to do anything else.

I finished my morning routine and put on a large t-shirt that stopped right above my knees. Grabbing my phone off the charger I seen that Y/N texted me. She only ever texts or call when its about Eve. After all these years I never changed her contact name.

loml🤍- I'm otw with Eve have the door unlocked

Me- okay

Ten minutes later I heard the front door open. I go downstairs to see my daughter and Y/N having a moment.

"Dada loves you so much. I will be here next Monday and we'll go to Chuck E Cheese like I promised. You have to be good for mommy though. If she tells me that you weren't behaving then we won't go. You got it?" Y/N tells her while holding her.

Evelyn nods her head as she understands. Y/N kisses her head and puts her down. She runs over to me excitedly. "Hey baby."

"Hey mommy." She says.

Y/N looks at the both of us before heading out the door. This is how it always goes. We never really speak to each other. I always want to say something but nothing really ever comes out. I just watch her leave every time.

If only there was a way I could get her back.



After dropping Eve off I had to go to Scooter's office. I had no clue what this meeting was for. Knowing Scooter it could be anything as he's unpredictable. I walk in the building saying hello to Mary who was the receptionist. I go straight up to his office curious to know why he wanted me here.

"There goes my best client at the moment." Scooter says.

"Why am I here?" I ask getting straight to the point.

"The anniversary of Self Made is approaching. The Self Made tour as well. That tour never got finished because of the legal trouble that you got in. So as an anniversary gift to the fans I want you to go on a mini tour. Self Made Mini Tour, 10 to 15 shows is what I'm thinking." He says.

I was caught off guard by that. It's been like five years since that damn album and tour happened. What is this really about?

"That means I would have to go on tour again with Ariana. She hasn't performed in God knows how long. She doesn't do anything anymore. Nobody knows if she can still fucking sing. Shit many people wonder if she's still alive. Not only that but I would be traveling with my ex fiance and I know my wife ain't going for that." I reply.

"That's the thing. She doesn't do anything. She's lost so much media attention. Her fan base has went down tremendously. She went from the biggest name in the world to just a nobody. That's why as my biggest client and as one of the biggest artist in the world, I need you to get her back on track. As her manager it's hurting me to watch her struggle like this." Scooter says.

"So this whole thing would be to help Ariana get back out there? You know you have other clients who are just as big? Why can't Justin or Demi do something to help her out?" I ask.

I know Camila won't be completely on board with this idea and I don't like going against my wife. As much as I wouldn't mind helping Ari, there has to be another alternative.

"Justin is taking time off to travel the world with Hailey. Demi isn't doing anything either because they're focused on being an LGBTQ advocate." He answers.

"Alright fine. I can't make any promises but I'll talk to Camila and Ariana. I'll text you an answer later." I huff and stand up.

I walk out his office and go straight to my car. I sit there for a few minutes just thinking. Maybe Ariana does need help to revive her career but Camila won't like this idea. Mostly because we'll have to spend so much time together, but Mila knows that Ari is still into me. On the other hand, it'll make Evelyn so happy that her parents are together in the same area.

I still have to talk to Mila but maybe I should do this.


Book two is finally here.

I'm a clarify everyone's ages since its been four years. The first number is their age at the end of book one and their age now.

Y/N- 29, Now 33

Ariana and Victoria-31, Now 35

Camila and Dinah-27, Now 31

Jess and Normani-28, Now 32

Bryson(NLE)(He young asf fr so his age is altered)-25, Now 29

Also there is finna be hella flashbacks to show what happened between them four years. You've done so much shit. 😈

Anyway, Until Next Time.

tour: Part Two (ariana grande/you)Where stories live. Discover now