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I wake up at 12 in the afternoon.
Zen wake me up actually because he will send me off in our house.

He cooked our breakfast and he also make a coffee for me.

“How's your ass?”

I chuckles because I can see that he's worried.
“It's fine actually you can still fuck me right now before you drop me off ” I winks at him.

He looks at me un-amused.

“Or I can fuck you if you want.”

He glared.

I laughs.
“I'm fine I can even walk so no need to worry.” I said and stare at him. “By the way last night sex is really awesome. The way you suck my skin, the way you lick my ass and dick, the way you play with my nipples, the way you kiss my lips.” I show a thumbs up. “I love it!”

He chokes on his food.
His face is color red.
It's fun seeing him flustered

“Shit!” he cursed.


“I have a boner, asshole. I can't eat properly.” he hissed and stand up to go to the bathroom.

I laughed.

I also walks towards the bathroom and open the door. It's unlocked.

I can see him stroking his lenght while lean his head in the wall.

I kneel in front of him and before he can say anything I attack him down there.

He growls and hold my head before thrusting his dick inside my mouth faster.

I choked.

My eyes is teary but I keeps on giving him pleasure.

“Yeah shit it's so good.” he moans until he reach his orgasm.

After that he helps me with my boner.

Yeah just that.
We don't fuck each other because it's already 1 PM.
Zen needs to drop me off in our house because mother will be there this evening.

He drops me in our house and the offer to help me clean the house. He is still worried about me but I keep on telling him that my ass is okay.

When we arrived in the house P'Kai is already in the house with P'Wai. They arrived one hour before us.

5 PM

P'Kai is in the airport waiting for mother to arrived while P'Wai is in the house cooking out dinner with P'Wan.

P'Wan also go here because he wants to support his twin brother.

“Help me with this.” Zen says while pointing at the bedsheets in the couch in the room.

I help him arranging the bedsheets before I continue to arrange the picture frame in the table.

It's our pictures.
Family pictures.

It's the time when we go to the park to eat an ice cream.

I smile thinly while looking at the pictures.

“You miss them?”

“Yes. I really miss them.” I said and sat down in the bed.
We are done cleaning the room.

He taps my head before kissing my lips. It's just a peck actually but I'm so happy.

Zen always makes me feel special.

When P'Kai arrived with my mother we greet each other and hugged.

P'Kai introduce P'Wai to our mother and believe it or not she's really happy to know that P'Kai is dating P'Wai.

I'm glad mother is supporting the same sex relationship.

I want to tell mother that I also want to marry the guy beside me which is Zen but Zen and I still didn't talk about it... yet.

Marriage is long term.
It's forever.
When you marry someone you will swear that you will stay with that person in sickness and in health.

I know that I'm willing to stay with Zen forever but still we need time. I need time. I'm still studying and I don't have a work. I need to graduate and find a nice job, earn money and I will propose to him.


That's my plan.


“Are you sure you can go to school now?” Pali asks Reican when Reican sit in front of me.

This is our seats.


Me — Frenz

Pali — Neo

“I'm sure.” she said.

“What happened to the one who threat your family and hurt you?” I asked her.

Last night, Thursday evening. Her father caught the one behind all of the threats so her father let her go to school because he knows Reican will be safe now.

“We have evidence so I know we will win the case. Father promise me that he will do everything to put them in jail.”

“Thank god.”

She smiles.
“Thank you guys. Mother told me that all of you help father to find some evidence of what they did to me. Thanks for the CCTV footage, we can use it to the trial and for the dash cam, thank you. Father trace the owner of the van.”

“No problem.” Neo said.

“I have a goal.” Reican says out of the blue.

“I don't know you have a goal.” Neo said while laughing.

“Fuck you!”

“You are happy go lucky so...” —Neo

Frenz laughs.
“But seriously you have a goal?”

“Of course I have.”

“Then what is your goal?”

“I want to graduate fast and be an engineer. First class engineer! Don wants to be a First class surgeon so I want to be like him.”

The four of us make a wow shape in our mouth.
Did we just hear it correctly?
Reican is not like that in the past but apparently Reican change in a good way.
Don is really a nice influence.

“Babe, I also want to be a First class engineer! Both of us so let's make it happen.” Neo says to Pali and looks at his boyfriend. He looks really serious so I chuckles.

What a nice goal.

“Sure babe.” he kiss Neo's forehead before looking at me.

“What about you, Levi? Reican, Neo and Me will make sure that we will be a First class engineer. Frenz will surely be like us because of P'Wan. He will do his best to deserve him right?” he turns to Frenz.

Frenz nods.
“P'Wan is really a smart guy. Not as smart as his friends but still his grades can guarantee his future so I don't have a choice. I need to do my best. I actually have that kind of goal since freshman year.”

“Me too. I always do my best because I want to have a nice job and earn money for living.” I said.

“Then let's do our best! Let's graduate together and find a nice job in the future.” Frenz said.

“Yeah!!!” we all yells.

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