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“Give me your signature book.” P'Wan asked me that's why I give him my notebook.

“How many is it?” he asked.

“373 P'Wan.”

“This is the fourth day and your signature book should be 400! Go in the corner and wait for the instructions.” he said. His voice is full of authority.

I follow what he said and wait for more instructions. When I stopped I see some of other Engineering students are there. It looks like they also didn't reach the 400 signatures.

“How many is your signature?”

“Mine is 399. Only one signature to be 400.”

“At least you have 399 I only have 204.”

“You're far from 500 what will you do?”

“I don't know.”

I heard someone talking in my back.

We waited for 15 minutes before P'Wan walks in the corner. He glances at us, one by one.

“All of you will run 20 laps and you.” he pointed the guy who got 399 signatures. “5 laps for you. RUN NOW!”

“17.” I said while running. It's my 17 laps already and I need to run 3 more laps.

I see my brother in the hazing tent, he looks at me and shakes his head when he see that I wink at him.

“18.” I keep on running even if I need water to drink. It's afternoon and it's very hot.

“19.” I see someone slipped that's why I looked at him. I run towards him and ask. “Need help?”

“Yeah. Thanks.” he said that's why I help him to stand and put his hand on my shoulder and we both run slowly, I don't want him to hurt his feet more.

The others are already done with their punishment while me and this guy is in our 20 laps.

“A little more.” I said when I glance at him, he looks to tired.

“Done.” I said and we both stopped running and sit on the ground. We are both tired.

“Here, drink this.” the guy who run 5 laps give me and this guy a bottled water.

“Can you walk?” he asked the guy beside me.

“Yeah... just give... me time I'm a... little tired.” he said then look at me. “I'm Pali.” he even tell me his name.

“I'm Levi.” I said then shake his hand.

“And his Neo. My boyfriend.” he said pointing at guy in front of me.


“Boyfriend?” I asked carefully. I don't have problem about man loving a man but I just can't believe that I see one couple in front of me.

“Hi, I'm Neo. Thank you for helping my boyfriend.” he said and I know he really mean it. “But I'm a little bit jealous.” he whisper, enough for us to heard.

I laughed.
This guy is funny.

“Ow babe no need to be jealous. He just help me with the punishment.” Pali explained.

“That's right. I don't like your boyfriend in that way.” I said while laughing.

He pouted that's make me laugh more.

“LEVI!” I heard someone yells my name. It's Reican.

“Hey, what's wrong.”

“Look at this!” she said then show me his phone. It's a page where the candidates for Moon and Star of Engineering photos is there. The voting start Tuesday evening and I got so many votes already. Shit!

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