5. Bad dreams

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Jay sat up in his bed as he heared some mumbling coming from the other side of the dorm.
He saw how Carlos kept turning in his sleep, trembling, mumbling something.
Jay crawled out of bed, put a shirt on and walked over to Carlos.
"Please... Harry... I need you... Please... I don't want to leave..." Carlos mumbled in his sleep and Jay saw how tears rolled down the freckled boy's cheeks.
"Harry...?" Jay mumbled softly.
Then the lightbulb when on.
Carlos was feeling sad and down because he missed Harry.
"Wait a damn minute..." Jay whispered.
Harry Hook!? Carlos missed Hook?!
Why the fuck would he!?
"...I love you Harry..." Carlos mumbled and Jay jumped back.
"Oh hell nah." Jay whispered with a sassy tone.
Carlos loved Harry?! Wait, were they... dating!?
Jay got pissed at Hook, but on the other hand... if he made Carlos happy...
Ugh fuck!
Jay was conflicted with himself by this but he had to do what was best for his bestfriend.

Mal and Evie yelped softly when Jay pulled them aside.
"What the fuck Jay!" Mal cussed.
"Shut it, it's about Carlos." Jay said and Evie looked at him.
"What do you mean?"
"I know why he's been feeling down..."
"Well!?" Mal said, wanting to know the answer.
"It's because he... ugh, he had a relationship with someone on the isle. He's scared that he'll never see him again."
"Him? Carlos is gay?" Mal asked and Evie rolled her eyes.
"You seriously didn't know? Wait a minute... I know who Carlos had a relationship with..." she mumbled.
"You do?" Jay said, while nkt being able to hide his surprise.
"Am I the only one who doesn't know? Seriously!?" Mal said with annoyance.
"Harry Hook." Evje and Jay said on the same time.
"Eew!" Mal said and Jay chuckled.
"My thoughts exactly."
"Oh come on, they were cute together. Carlos told me plenty of how much Harry cared for him, especially when Carlos got hurt thanks to his mom..." Evie said.
"Harry's a dick." Mal said.
"Agree." Jay said.
"Oh come on, Harry and Carlos both care a lot for eachother. I'm going to talk to Ben." Evie said and she turned to leave.
"Then what?" Mal asked.
"Then hopefully, we'll get Harry off the isle."
"I want to shout something like 'are you insane' but I know it's for Carlos... so I suppose... it's a good idea." Jay said and Mal groaned.
"Fineee... Let's get that damn pirate to Auradon."
"Neither of you tell Carlos. It would be a surprise." Evie said and the other two agreed.

I need you (Harlos, Harry x Carlos) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now