4. Fast forward

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A bit of a fast forward. Harry's been beaten up by his father multiple times and he's now watching in Ursula's fish and chips show how tje core four is fughting against Maleficent at Ben's coronation.

Harry looked at the small screen.
"What the hell are they doing...?" he mumbled.
The barrier could've been down by now.
"They're traitors! They don't want to break down the barrier!" some middle aged pirate yelled and Harry's eyes were locked on the screen as Maleficent got turned into a lizard.
"You don't have to be evil to be loved..." Ben said and Mal looked at the core four.
"He's right guys... Y'know, I choose good."
"Me too." Evie said with a smile and Jay chuckled as he joined in as well.
"You guys do realise that our parents are so going to kill us when they find out?" Carlos said and Ben looked at him with a reassuring smile.
"Well, they can't come here. Thanks to the barrier."
Then Carlos joined the core four into chosing good.
Harry saw how happy Carlos was and the television got turned off.
He was hurt, Carlos was happy that the barrier still existed... Did he forget about him in those two to three months that they were in Auradon?

A week passed by and realisation kicked in by Carlos.
"...the barrier remains." he mumbled as he was sitting in his dorm, Jay was out and Carlos was on his own.
"...Harry is still on the island." Carlos mumbled and he felt his heart ache.
The barrier was still up and who knew if it would ever come down?
Who knew if Carlos would ever see Harry again?
Carlos felt tears burn behind his eyes and he pressed his face into his pillow as he was lying on/in his bed.
He felt like the biggest jerk in the world, promising Harry he'd be off the isle. That they would set every VK and every villain free...
But they turned their back on the isle.
He turned his back on Harry.

The other three (Mal, Evie and Jay) noticed that Carlos was feeling down. Yet none of them knew that Carlos used to date Harry.
And Carlos wasn't saying much anymore either.
"Okay, what is it Carlos? You've been acting quite depressing all week." Evie said with concern and Carlos looked away, not saying a word.
"Carlos tell us what's going on." Jay said and Mal looked at the freckled boy.
"Don't make me shove a truth gummy down your throat." she threatened and Carlos just stood up and ran away with tears in his eyes.
"Nice going Mal." Evie cussed.
"It's not Mal's fault. Something is bothering Carlos but he won't tell." Jay said and Ben walked to the three VK's with a concerned look.
"Guys, why did Carlos ran away while crying?" he asked.
"We don't know..." Evie sighed.
"Yet." Mal added.
"We're not going to force him to tell us." Jay stated.
"Fine." Mal said and she collected her stuff, returning to her dorm.

Harry was sitting in his cabin of Uma's ship later that night. He had one of the two cabins with a small round window. Uma owned the other cabin.
He looked through that small window as rain was clashing against it.
He saw Auradon, across the sea... the place which made Carlos happy, happy without him.
A single tear rolled down Harry's cheek and he whiped it away immediately.
"Stupid pup." he cussed as he tried to forget about Carlos.
Which was hard, since he got a small tattoo on his wrist; "Pup" with Carlos his bone icon underneath it.
It was going to be surprise he'd show Carlos once they were reunited.
He sighed and grabbed a razor knife thingy, wanting to get rid of the damn tattoo.
"Hook!" a voice yelled and Harry dropped the knife thingy and groaned.
"Who and what is it!?" he yelled.
"Who else!?" Uma's voice yelled in anger amd Harry pulled his sleeve down, covering the tattoo up again.
Uma barged into his cabin and he looked at her.
"What is it?" Harry asked a bit calmer this time.
"You've been in your cabin all day, plus you happen to have a best friend who wants attention without pissing you off." Uma said as she was referring to Gil.
"I'll be on deck in a minute."
"Now." Uma said with a stern voice and Harry knew that Uma was serious and that he should probably go to Gil.
"Okay, okay..." Harry mumbled as he left his cabin, being followed by Uma.

I need you (Harlos, Harry x Carlos) {💯%}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu