2. A week later

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Carlos looked at Evie.
"I'm falling for him..." he said softly.
Evie looked at Carlos in shock.
"...Harry Hook."
"Carlos, I- He's a Southsider..."
"I know... But he's so fricking handsome and I am so fricking turning gay..." Carlos said and Evie smiled.
"Yes Carlos, you are gay." she stated.
"Oh, what am I supposed to do Evie? Mal would get so furious if she'd find out that I like him..."
"Yea, she would... But you've been happier ever since you said you met him. And you've been less scared of your mom."
"I know... But what if Mal-?"
"I know Mal is my ultra bestie... But you're like my little brother so I'm just gonna tell you... GO GET YOUR GUY!" Evie said with a huge smile and Carlos blushed like an idiot.
"You think I should?"
"...I just shouted it in your face."
"Fair- I... I'm gonna find him."
"Goodluck!!" Evie said and Carlos hurried away.

Harry was walking through the streets of the Southside as he heared a familiar yelp.
"Pup...?" he mumbled and he turned to follow the sounds.
He saw how a few middle aged pirates were pinning Carlos to the wall, holding a dagger on his throat.
"You're on the wrong side of the isle, lad." one of them said and Harry ran to them.
"Stop! Let him live!" he said and the three pirates looked at him, dropping the dagger.
"Hook's son... We shouldn't mess with him or Hook's gonna feed us to the crocodiles..." one of them said and the three of them ran off.
"Pup, are you okay?" Harry said with concern as he helped the freckled boy up.
Carlos hugged Harry tightly, pressing his face in Harry's chest.
"I thought they were gonna kill me..." he almost sobbed.
"Hey, take it easy... You're alright..." Harry said as he rubbed Carlos his back.

"What were you doing on this side of the isle, pup?" Harry asked after Carlos had calmed down.
"I was looking for you..." Carlos said softly and Harry's cheeks burned.
"You... were?"
"Y- yea... because I need to get something off my chest."
"Okay, go for it."
"I'm in love with you, Harry..." Carlos confessed and Harry smiled.
"Good. 'Cause I'm falling for you so badly." he said as he cupped Carlos his face and kissed him gently on the lips.
Carlos his face was bright red.
"I... I never kissed someone before..." he mumbled.
Harry smirked.
"Now you did." he stated.
"Technically you kissed me."
"Same thing."
Then Carlos grabbed Harry's collar and kissed Harry.
"Damn pup..."
"Now it counts..." Carlos said softly and with red cheeks.
"Admit it, you just wanted to kiss again."
"Maybe..." Carlos said and Harry smiled.
"How about you become my boyfriend?"
"How about I say yes?"
Harry kissed Carlos once more before they both had to head home, in order not-to-piss their parents off.

I need you (Harlos, Harry x Carlos) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now