Chapter 39

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Hikan's mana awakening, which was supposed to last a week, ended in a day.

He felt sorry since even though he had come to his senses when they fell from the second floor, his heart was full of hate.

Instead now, he had a severe fever as the effect of the mana awakening.

He was sick from that very evening. It is common for the transcendents to suffer from fever after their awakening.

'Why is there nothing good come from this guy's mana awakening?'

Dalia cursed inwardly.

If there's anything good that comes from this, it will be when Hikan completely recovers, the Emperor will give him a position worthy of his ability.

According to the original story, he'll probably be the Commander of the Imperial Knights.

It was cool to imagine Hikan wielding a sword with his silver hair tied tightly, so Dalia wanted to see it quickly.

'I should thank His Highness the Second Prince.'

When Hikan and her fell at that time, he saved both of them.

Dalia was so focused on Hikan at that time, so she couldn't afford to pay any attention to Cedric.

However, someone with a high position of a prince came to stop the awakening transcendent and even saved them. Of course, it was the right thing to thank him.

'When we met at the ball three years ago, I thought that he wasn't a good person.......'

Dalia was mistaken. He is a very nice person.

'I'll just go when my brother recovers.'

Dalia touched the towel that she had placed on Hikan's head.

It seemed to be lukewarm. She dipped the towel in cold water again, squeezed it out, and put it on his forehead.

"Stop and go to sleep."

Hikan spoke in a low, hoarse voice.

This is the 10th time he has said this. Dalia showed Hikan the words 'No' written on the notepad.

He groaned.

"......You really won't talk to me for a year?"

When hearing him say that, her heart feels weak.

Still, she showed Hikan the page that she wrote 'Yes'.

Hikan wrinkled his eyebrows and took the notepad with his weak hand and hid it under the covers. Eventually, Dalia looked at the clock and let out a sullen voice.

"It's only 8 o'clock, what do you mean, go to sleep?"

"Don't do that."

Dalia pouted her lips.

'I really didn't want to talk to you for a year.'

However, his touch, as he continued to stroke Dalia's hair was so soft and warm that the feeling still lingering on her head.

Besides, it's cheating to get sick. It was obvious that he was faking illness to sway her heart.

"I'm not going. Since it doesn't matter."

"But it bothers me."

"I don't care."

Hikan closed his eyes as he didn't have any more energy to speak. Dalia picked up a fairy tale book that she brought and showed it to Hikan.

"Do you want me to read it for you to sleep?"

"......that's enough."

When she said it playfully, a low voice replied. Dalia chuckled.

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