Chapter 22

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That evening, Dalia carefully knocked on the door of Hikan's office.

It was because she wanted to make sure that Hikan really opened up his heart to Dalia enough to be jealous of Adrisha.

This is the first time she visited his office for personal reasons.

Hikan opened the door himself.

It was clear that he knew that it was Dalia just by hearing the sound of the knocking.

Hikan had a slightly dark circle under his eyes, perhaps because of fatigue.

"Come in."

He asked Dalia to sit on the sofa and went back to his desk and signed a mountain of papers.

The amount was enough to make Dalia's mouth open wide.

"So, why did you come?"

In the original story, he became an excellent swordsman at the age of 18 when his magic bloomed, and in recognition of his ability, he became the head of the Imperial Knights.

However, in Dalia's view, Hikan's ability now was not that, but the ability to process documents ten times faster than others.

Hikan worked all day while Dalia was playing chess or board games with Adrisha, eating dessert or rolling around.

She felt a new sense of guilt because of that.

'I didn't know you were so busy.'

It seems the reason why he went back to his room right after meal time every day was not because of he was not interested in Dalia.


She can't tell him. She can't bring herself to tell him.

'I can't ask you to do the tea party here.'

Dalia wiped her tears inside.

For the first time, she felt sorry for Hikan.

If it's a Duke's job to do this for the rest of his life, it's better to not have such a position.

Also, it's not common for the younger siblings of a Duke to have fun and eat like Dalia.

She might be thrown out in front of dozens of people at the ball one day.

The poor dessert chef may be knitting in the kitchen because he has nothing to do.

Now, due to her guilty conscience, she couldn't bother Hikan any more.

Dalia shook her head.

"It's nothing. I just missed you br......"

"I've already taken care of the tea party. You can hear the details from the butler."

'Uh, huh? You already figured it out?'

Dalia opened her mouth at the unexpected remark.

"Well, uh, how did you know?"

"Because our employee heard it when you talked about it with Adrisha Beniter. She delivered it to me."


Was the maid that Adrisha glanced at that time actually listening to the whole conversation?

Dalia looked at Hikan with round eyes. He shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing much then continued to look at the papers.

"You must be busy because of me......"

"It's not. I don't want someone who has the Pesteros name to act like a fool at the ballroom."

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