Chapter 15

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In the first place, Duchess Blueport was a transcendent, so she rarely got sick.

Dalia walked quickly in surprise. Adrisha, who followed her side, was watching the Duchess Blueport with a serious look.

"Duchess? Are you alright? Are you sick?"

Dalia grabbed the Duchess's hand and looked up at her.

She was covered with a mask, but her exposed jaw was visibly pale. Even her red scar looks white.

Because of the cold sweat, her fine hair was wet with sweat. Her hand was trembling so badly that it even shook Dalia's hand.

Duchess Blueport pulled Dalia's hand out. A hoarse voice managed to emanate from her throat.

"......Dalia, don't come near me now. Stay away."


"The thing that I thought would happen one day......."

Duchess Blueport lifted her brow and spoke incoherently.

Dalia was confused and just looked at her. At that time, someone pulled Dalia's arm away from the Duchess.

Thanks to this, Dalia lost the opportunity to think deeper about the incident.

Looking back, it was Adrisha. She looked back at the Duchess Blueport with a serious expression and stepped back.

"Dalia, come here."



Adrisha couldn't tell the reason.

Dalia read the hidden words behind it. A transcendent sweating and shaking hands for no reason was a sign of congestion.

After the terrible maniacal accident of Duke Artus, a never happened before phenomenon, the Transcendent Congestion was now about to take place in front of Dalia's eyes. (*t/n: This is the best word that I can find. Even the dictionary said congestion, so...)

'Wh, why all of a sudden?'

She just couldn't understand. Then, she reached a certain possibility.

A possibility that she never wanted to think about.

In fact, it is a possibility that she has forcibly ignored it even though she knew it wasn't hopeless.

She knew there would soon be a transcendent going berserk.

It is not clearly stated what happened, but it is only known that a transcendent was in a mana rush at some party and caused an accident.

Duchess Blueport is no longer a Duke in four years.(*t/n: means that she no longer the family head)

The position is being filled by her son, Duke Lewayne Blueport.

'A transcendent.'

The transcendent who went out of control at the party.....was it actually the Duchess Blueport?

'But the Duchess is here for me. Without me, the Duchess would not have been here.'

It was beyond her comprehension.

In the original, the transcendent who went berserk was Duchess Blueport. If so, does it mean that the event that should happen in the original will happen regardless of the existence of Dalia?

Looking at the first meeting between Adrisha and Hikan, Dalia thought that maybe her presence could be a variable to change the original.

But then...... will Hikan become obsessed with Adrisha again as he did in the original someday?

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