"That should be enough. You can buy the best one."


"Sure. There's a store that I know started a sale yesterday."

Dalia's expression brightened up.

She can't do anything until next month if she buys this. But since it's Hikan's birthday, she wanted to give something to Hikan's taste as much as possible.

'Let's do it......!'

"Then I'll take it."

"Then I'll take you there."

The Emperor naturally escorted her. Dalia looked at the Emperor, who had been with her for two hours.

"Wh......when will you go to find the Second Prince?"

"Well, he will appear when the time comes."


Isn't that too irresponsible?

At that moment, that thought struck Dalia's mind, but she quickly erased her disrespectful thought.

The phonograph store was on the corner of the downtown, so she thought she would never be able to visit it alone without the Emperor. Dalia thanked him in a small voice.

"That...... thank you."

"What are you thankful for?"

"No one helped me this much when I was choosing a birthday present... but thank you for bringing me here."

"Miss Dalia is also very polite.

The Emperor laughed.

"I'm happy just to be with Miss Dalia like this."

He was 100 percent sincere.

"So come visit the Imperial Palace more often. I won't lock you up in the same room as Leonard."

Dalia smiled awkwardly. It seemed like he was no longer joking about her engagement. Fortunately.

A clerk at the phonograph store rushed out when he saw Dalia and the Emperor.

Instead of the Emperor, he looked directly at Dalia and said,

"Good morning, Miss. What brings you here?"

Is it because Dalia's dress is more luxurious?

Dalia didn't see the secret eyes exchange between the Emperor and the clerk, and she just thought so. Since it was her who had business anyway, Dalia spoke confidently.

"I'd like to buy a birthday present for my brother. The best one."

"Ah, the best thing is the latest metal blue iron. Would you like that?"

It seems expensive just by hearing the name.

Dalia grabbed the hem of her skirt and asked carefully.

"The price is......?"

"It's 490 dillon."

A dillon in this world costs about 2,000 won. (*t/n: around $2)

Based on the previous world standard, it was about 1 million won. It was much cheaper than she thought. In addition, it was just the right amount of money Dalia brought.

Dalia said with delight.

"Then I'll take it!"

"Yes, where should I ship it to?"

"To the Duke of Pesteros."

Surprised by the unexpected high position, the clerk's eyes widened. He hurriedly looked alternately between the Emperor and her and went inside.

"Please wait a moment!"

He went inside and brought the purchase confirmation and delivery documents.

"You can sign here."

There was a black paint on the acquisition part and the letter '490 dillon' was written below, which seemed to have been written urgently.

"What's this?"

"Oh, it's because the products are on sale these days so I wrote a new one."

'Is it because it's new discounts?'

It was a very reasonable question, but Dalia was in a hurry to buy her brother's birthday present.

She opened her bag, counted a total of 490 dillon, and handed them to the clerk.

"Thank you. I look forward to your kind cooperation."

After greeting, Dalia left the store. The Emperor seemed to whisper something to the clerk before going out.

"What did you ask?"

"I asked when it would be delivered. If it doesn't get there by the day after tomorrow, it'll be a trouble."


She didn't think of that.

'Like a fool.'

Dalia blamed herself.

"Well, it's okay. Anyway, I bought a birthday present, and now I just need to ship Miss Dalia home." (*t/n: yea,,the original word is indeed 'ship/deliver')

It was a silly joke, but it was funny. Dalia smiled.

"I look forward to your kind cooperation."

The two set out in a carriage brought by the Emperor. It was a very ordinary carriage on the outside, but it was very spacious and comfortable inside.

"By the way, Hikan hasn't bloomed his mana yet. It's a little slower than his predecessors."

The Emperor said that while stepping into the carriage. Dalia nodded because she was thinking about it these days.

"It will start within this year at the latest. Once the mana blooms, the person becomes very destructive for a month. We can say that it's a reaction because a powerful force burst from the inside at once?"

Dalia also knew that. It's from the original. Dalia's expression became heavy.

The Emperor gave an understanding smile.

"Well, every transcendent goes through it, so don't worry too much. If he goes too crazy, run away to the Imperial Palace. Come and I'll help you."

"......thank you."

The Emperor is reliable because he was the strongest of the transcendents. Dalia thanked her helplessly. The Emperor held his chin and fell into his thoughts.

"Well, if not......yes...and it's time for Miss Dalia to know the truth when she's sixteen."


"No, it's nothing."

The Emperor smiled softly even though he uttered something inaudible. The next word was even greater.

"There's the easiest way. Give Hikan a hug of love from Miss Dalia. Then he'll get well. The power of love is great."

Dalia laughed. Of course the Emperor was not joking, but she didn't know that.

When they almost arrived in front of the main gate of the Pesteros mansion, the Emperor asked.

"Well, we're here, anyway, did you have fun today?"

"Yes, totally."

It was a day when Dalia's internal assessment of the Emperor completely rose vertically.

"I'm glad to hear that."

The carriage stopped. The Emperor stepped out first, looked back and reached out for Dalia.

"It was a fun day, so would you grant me a wish?"

Although he was too old to be hugged, Dalia, who knew what it meant, stood and lightly hugged the Emperor after holding his hand.

At the same time, she could hear a faint cough. Hikan was waiting for her at the front door.

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