66. bouquet

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Bonjour evyone let's start with chapter 66
Enjoy 💜
Here is the chapter!
Fast update hehe

Avi's pov

What? I will not talk to him and seriously he never talks properly

Well right now I have alot of work to do

So let's do it

I opened my laptop and continued my work

After sometime there was knock on the door, I said to come in

One of the worker came in with a bouquet and a box of chocolates

I folded my arm on chest

"Okay so who sent this?" I asked knowing well that who did

"Who can it be?" He asked and I huffed smiling

"Siddharth ofcourse" I said and chuckled

"No not him" He said and now I jumped into the see of my thoughts

Who sent this?

"Then who?" I asked

"Well someone came and gave this, he looked like a worker or something" He said and kept them on table

"Ok Avi I need to go now I really have so much work and also he said that this is from California" He said and went out

I looked at the flowers there was a note in it

I picked it up



I hope you liked the gifts hehe and ofcourse don't take them some other way I just sent them like that knowing that you like flowers and chocolates

So madam come back fast I have a great news to share!

Ur best friend

Utkarsh ~


A big and big smile crept on my lips

I took out the box of chocolates, opening them and started eating the chocolates

I kept the bouquet in a vase on the table

Well what news is he talking about?

Is he getting married!? *Grins*

Wow that's amazing if what I am thinking is true

Did he got a girlfriend?

Well now I impatiently want to go to him

Anyways let's continue with the work

:: Time skips to 7 PM ::

Well time skipped and my work is completed

So let's roam around

No no first let's call Utkarsh

I called Utkarsh and came out of cabin

He picked up after few rings

"What's up Utkarsh" I squealed

"Looks like madam is happy" He said from that side and I chuckled

"Yup ofcourse I completed my work pretty fast thanks to the chocolates you gave" I said and grinned

"Ya ya hehe so how are you?" He asked

"Amazing what about you?" I asked walking around

"Great" He answered

I was walking normally talking to him when a wall thought to come in my way and the name of the wall is ofcourse the ambuja cement Siddharth Nigam *rolls eyes*

Well thanks to god I didn't fell down

"Can't you see and walk" I said with an eye roll

"Can't you walk and see" He replied with an eye roll

I shot a glare at him

"Idiot" I mumbled and heard him mumbling the same

Ugh I will kill him

Anyways I forgot that Utkarsh is still on call

"Hey sorry actually a wall came in my way" I said with a sweet smile across my face

"Wait did you just called me a wall?" Sid asked me narrowing eyes

"Can you see someone else over here?" I asked

"No" He replied casually

"Then I said that to you only now get aside Ambuja cement wall" I said and pushed him but before I could go he pulled me back

"Whattt" I asked irritated

"Whom are you talking to?" He asked raising an eyebrow

"None of your concern hubby" I said sweetly

"Yes it is wifey" He said with the same accent and a bit extra sweetly

"Whatever let me go" I said and pushed him rolling eyes

"Nahhhhh and Avi sorry" He said with a puppy face

"Ok fi-" I was cut off by Utkarsh

"What did he do that he is asking sorry and wait are you both married????????" Utkarsh yelled at last

"JEEZ are you gonna make me deaf" I yelled

"No but still" He said

"Ya we are married" I said casually

"Well I am gonna call you later and congratulations" He said and hung up on call

Well I couldn't even said bye to him

"OK who was that?" Sid asked

"Utkarsh dude" I said

"Ohh that club dude whom you bought when we both went to club after mine and Meha's breakup?" He asked

"Well yeah and next day you both again came into relationship" I said and rolled eyes

"What so ever I so hate that bitch" He said

"I know right you know I was toh sure that she is like this but you never believed in me" I said with a sulked face

"I know right I was so dumb" He said and made a sulked face to

"Point to be noted! You still are" I said and grinned

"Ya I know I am still" He said

"Yaa you know I think that Meha would have married someone by now" I said trying to guess

"Yaa I think the same but you know who ever will be her husband is gonna suffer the rest of his life" He said and laughed

"Yaa bichara he must've got stucked" I said and accompanied him in laughing

"She was such a gold digger" He said

"Thanks to god that you didn't got married to her otherwise you must be buying her rings instead of following your dreams" I said and sighed in relief

"Yaa you are right" He said and sighed in relief too

"Anyways let's go and eat ice-cream" I said and jumped on his back

"Sure let's go" He said and grinned

We both went and ate Ice-cream enjoying then went home and talked for half an hour and then we slept

Done with chapter 66
Hope y'all liked it

968 words

Au revoir 💜

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