57. Animal named Avi

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Bonjour evyone let's start with chapter 57
Enjoy 💜

Author's pov

"Hello Avneet darling well step aside I want to meet my siddie Baby" Hehehe *smirks evily*

She pushed Avi and entered inside here Avi's blood started boiling

"Meha what are you doing here" Avi said rolling her eyes

"Well I don't think that there is a need to tell you" Meha said as they both entered inside

Sid's back was facing them, Meha went and kept her hand on his eyes

"MEHA" Everyone except Sid Yelled and here Sid was standing all confused

"What's up guys and who are you" Sid said get his eyes off her hand

"Siddie Baby" she squealed and hugged him

Sid was standing there all furious

He jerked her off

"Stay away from me and why are you here" he said angrily

"Siddie baby I am sorry I really am I shouldn't have done that and where will I go in California also where will I live my parents aren't letting me get inside the house" Siddie Baby ki Meha baby started protesting

"I don't care just get out before I lost control over myself" Sid said angrily

"Please Siddie Baby I promise I will never trouble you I am sorry please don't throw me out of this house please" Meha said at the edge of crying

Avi's eyes widened seeing that Meha can also cry

"Please Siddie Baby" she again protested now will tears in her eyes but Sid,he wasn't giving any damn to her

Meha fell on her knees

"Meha get up" Avi said holding Meha's arm

"Please Avneet leave me" Meha said jerking her away harshly it was noticed by everyone except Sid who wasn't looking at her

Jaireem were angry but didn't said anything

"Siddie baby please" Meha again said as years started flowing down her cheeks

"Meha you can stay" With this sentence all looked at Avi in shock yes it was Avi who said this

Meha also looked at Avi and mentally smirked knowing that Sid will not deny Avi

"No Avi I am not gonna listen to you this time" Sid said going up stairs

"Avi I am with Sid this time" Abhinavi said and jaireem nodded

"See Avi you are my sister and I always supported you in everything but not today" Jai said and went

Like this everyone went

Now only Meha and Avi were there

"Meha you can stay,Jagdish uncle keep Meha's luggage in the gues-" Avi was cut off by Meha

"In Sid's room please,I am sure I will melt him" Meha said smiling widely and smirking internally

"Ok Jagdish uncle keep these luggage in Sid's room" Avi said caring less she rolled her eyes and went upstairs

Meha also went to Sid's room

Avi's side

She went and entered in Reem's room only to find her and jai sleeping

"I am not gonna let you guys sleep peacefully today" She mumbles and went towards them

She went towards Jai

"See how peacefully he is sleeping" she said smiling mischievously

"Jai" She whispers shouting

No response

She jumped on him



"Yaar Avni I swear I will legit kill you" Jai said getting up

"Kill me I am sitting here in front of you" Avi said laughing

"What is happening why does it feel like every animal from zoo came into our room" Reem Yelled in a sleepy voice

"It's an Animal named Avi" Jai said rolling his eyes

"Oh" Reem said caring less as she went into her sleep again

"Avi Mata why are you here let me sleep go and disturb your husband instead of your poor brother" he said half crying

"Nop he already must be getting disturbed" Avi said pushing Jai off the bed and laying on his place beside Reem covering herself with the duvet

He fell down and winced

"What is up with you" He said Glancing at her once and laying beside her

"Nothing" She said and pushed Reem and here Reem also fell down the bed


Jai flinched but Avi cares less so she closed her eyes

Jaireem looked at Avi with wide eyes

"She slept waking us up" Jai said rolling his eyes

"I know right" Reem agreed with him

"It's ok Reem you sleep beside her I am also sleeping here" Jai said and turned his face to the otherside going back to his sleep

Reem nodded and slept beside Avi

After 5 minutes

Jaireem both slept but Avi didn't slept

Avi changed side and kicked Jai he fell down

He whines getting up

"What happened kya hai tughe soja or sone de" He said whining

"I am not sleepy" She said with tears in her eyes

Jai's eyes widened he went and hugged her

"What happened why are you crying idiot" He said caressing her back confused as fuck

"I don't know what happened" She said crying

Jai became more tensed as Reem also wake up hearing Avi crying

"What happened Avi" Reem said pulling Avi in a warm hug

,"I don't know" Avi said crying

"Which date it is Jai" Reem asked

"5 January, why?" He asked

"Nothing" Reem said being aware of why is Avi crying

"Jai you go you are bad" Avi said pushing Jai

Here he was tensed

"But why Avi what did I do" He said but Reem gave him a look and he understood what is it he nodded

He went out

Reem made Avi lay on the bed peacefully then she also slept

Done with Chapter 57
Hope y'all liked it

962 words

Au revoir 💜

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