32. You know me well

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Bonjour evyone let's start with chapter 32
Enjoy 💜

Author's pov

After Avi two people who were busy in romancing means Abhinavi and one man who literally wasted time in what to wear and what not means Siddharth came down

They all left for the mall

After half an hour they reached there

Jaan and Avi were standing at a place and Sid and faisu were so excited

"Come on Avi and jaan" faisu squealed making Janeet flinch at their place

"Stupid" Janeet murmers rolled their eye's and went to the women section

"Gajab bezatti hai yaar" Faisu said Sid started laughing

"Now come with me" Sid said and dragged faisu with himself

With Janeet

"Jaan let's goo shopping can be done later but right now we need proof to stop this wedding of Sid and Meha" Avi said and jaan nodded

They both sneaked out of the mall and went home they enter inside and saw Meha coming downstairs

They hides behind the wall

Meha went out from the main door

They both followed her

Meha saw the security guard and went towards him

"I am going out and if anyone ask that where I am so tell them that I went to the doctor because I wasn't getting well" Meha said the guard and he nodded

"She is going to meet her boyfriend and I know this" Jaan whispered in Avi's ear who was seeing Meha

"I know jaan but first let's follow her" Avi said they both followed her

Meha sat in her car and drove off, Avi also took her car

Janeet were following Meha from 20 minutes And finally Meha stopped

Meha got out from car they also got out Meha went and hugged a boy

"Babyyy" she squealed hugging him

Jaan clicked their photo

Then Janeet left from their

After 45 minutes they reached the mall they went inside and saw that Sid was their and everyone were busy in shopping

Sid hand's were crossed on his chest and he was Glaring at them

Janeet looked at each other and smiled nervously

They went towards him

"Mind explaining me that where you both were" Sid asked Glaring at them

"Aree bawle why Glaring at us see I am having no role in this so I am going" Jaan said Avi's eye's widened in shock

"Kamini" Avi said jaan gave a sorry look to her and went

Avi was cursing jaan

"Hmm so miss Avneet kaur mind explaining me that where were you" be asked narrowing his eye's at her

"Woo actually Sid I-" Avi was confused to what to say when she looked at her phone in her hand

"YA I forgot my phone at home so I just went with Jaan" Avi said stammering a bit

"Ok fine" Sid said still unsatisfied from her answer

"Now help me choosing outfit for engagement" Sid said squealing

Twisted marriageDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora