(Chapter 5)||Second Exam Rules||

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No one's POV

Everybody was still seated in the class, until this lady came barging in and claimed to be the second proctor of the second exam. 

There was absolute silence even when she had said something to be probably offended about. 

Or rather, everyone was just used to it. 

Shinobi have hard lives. 

Naruto's POV

Yes! At least we got through the first exam, the second exam should be alright as well. Did you see that Takashi? I did it! No, me and my team did it! 

I wonder what you're thinking about me. If you feel proud of me or not? And I hope you are happy where ever you are. 

Takashi's POV

Second exam already? I thought there would be a break or something in between. I mean even though we're still ninja, as Genin, a break would probably have been necessary. 

Well, seeing how everybody in the room looks fired up, I don't think anybody needs a break. 

Anko: "As of right now, you maggots have passed the first exam which was monitored by Ibiki Morino, and now officially have stepped into the second exam. Which will be monitored by me, Anko Mitarashi." The proctor said. 

Don't we have to go somewhere else for the second exam? I mean, doesn't- 

Ibiki: "Alright, everybody leave their exams on the tables, and follow Anko, she'll take you to your destination of the Second Exams." Said the proctor. 

Oh well, I guess my question is answered. 

Everybody starts to get up and leave as the second proctor (Anko) walks out of the room. As I glance at everyone, it comes to me that more teams passed than needed to. Because after all, the objective of the first exam was to disqualify many teams as possible. 

As I was looking, I noticed someone looking at me, and when I looked back at them, it was Naruto. He looked at me and I looked at him, but there was nothing both of us could say. It was as if we were both lost for words. But...I feel at ease whenever I look at him. 

Without realizing what I was doing, I gave him a reassuring and protecting smile. 

You're my greatest happiness, Naruto. Please don't ever change because someone tells you to, and stay like this forever. 

You're the biggest relief I have ever gotten. 

And no matter what happens, you will become Hokage. I know it. 

Naruto's POV

Finally, we're moving on to the second exam! This will be exciting but I need to make sure I pass them all too. 

While we were walking, I happen to look back and saw Haruko, just realizing how calm she is. But maybe I stared for too long cause she looked back at me. 

Everything around us became quiet... and the world became hazy. I wanted to say something but was struggling to find the right words to come out of my mouth. But Haruko... didn't seem worried about it all. It seemed if she didn't care what I had to say cause she was in the same spot. 

Almost like she understood everything about me, and didn't hate me for it. She gave off a somewhat known presence. She was calm. 

And instead she gave me a smile...a very familiar smile. She reminded me of someone very special. That smile...seemed so safe to me.. as if it's indicating that she's 'her'. 

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