Chapter 10

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We've been driving for awhile now. I swear we have passed the same dead tree branch that was laying in the middle of the road at least three times. She must really be distracted. Of course I can't blame her. I can't stop thinking about that purple light. It's light seems to be stained inside of my eyes because whenever I close them I can picture it clearly.

"Grandma we've been driving longer than it took to get here." She didn't seem to hear me. "Grand-" My sentence was cut short. Something had collided with the car. I could feel that we had left the ground. We were spinning and flipping through the air. My head banged against the window repeatedly. I could feel the sharp pain and blood trickling down the side of my head. I screamed but grandma didn't. Finally we crashed into the ground. The harsh sound of metal being crushed filled my ears, we continued to roll until we hit a nearby tree. The car came to an abrupt stop on its drivers side. My vision was fading in and out and I couldn't focus on anything.

"Grandma?" I turned to see if she was ok but she was gone. "Grandma!" I screamed for her. She must have been thrown out of the car. I could have sworn she was wearing her seatbelt though. I fumbled with the lock on mine and instantly fell to the opposite side of the car. My sudden movement caused the car to fall backwards onto its top. "Ah!" my leg was crushed against the seat and the roof. I couldn't move. Then I heard a loud roar. I shifted around as much as physically possible trying to see what had caused such a horrific sound. An intense pain shot from my leg to my already throbbing head. There was blood everywhere. I gave one last attempt to see and was just able to see through the windows enough to see something I wish I could un-see. I giant forest green monster loomed over a small figure which I realized was my grandma. At least she looked like her, but she was in a fighting stance and wielded the Atheme which looked to have grown in size to become a full length sword. The monster was swiping at the old woman but she moved with the grace and agility of an acrobat. I had to help her.

I reached down and tried to pull on my leg in order to get it free. The pain was excruciating. "Grandma! I'm stuck!" She heard me and attempted to run for me but the beast was faster. He swung his massive arm and sent her colliding into a large oak. "No!" All I could do was watch as the monster continued moving towards me. He reached for the car and ripped off the side. The demon then grasped me and yanked me out of the car. I felt my leg break. "Ahhhh!" The pain.
I saw Grandma stir and rise to her feet. She was superhuman, I swear. She ran at the beast and pounced onto its back. her sword buried itself deep into the monsters flesh and slid al the way down its back. It gave another horrible wail, dropped me and fell to the ground.

I was pacing and wondering what is taking them so long. I'm beginning to worry. A burn began behind my eyes as my Grim attempted to crawl out again. I suppressed a scream. Thats been happening a lot. Ever since I gave it a sense of freedom. That's when I felt it. Behind the Grims burn. It was a soul calling which means that someone is taking their final breaths. Death told me about this. He said that one day he will hand over the call to me so that I can experience what it is to become Death. Why would he do this when he knows that we are betraying him? It got louder and my Grim began to cower in fear. I closed my eyes and focused on the voice. When I opened my eyes I was in some woods and a crushed lime green car was smashed into a tree. My heart stopped. That's Martha's car. Oh god. Don't let it be Caroline. I ran to the car but no one was in it and there was a dent in the earth where it looks like something big fell. Thats when I heard a scream. It was Caroline's. Running towards the noise I dodged fallen branches and shrubs. I ran into clearing and stopped. It was a giant demon. It had Martha clutched in its massive hand and Caroline was on the ground propping herself up with one hand and holding her leg with the other hand. She was bleeding, a lot. I wanted to run to her and help but I had a voice in my head telling me not to. It took control of all my emotions and muscles.
Another scream from Martha and the beast began to squeeze her elderly body. I could hear her bones breaking and then silence. She was dead. The demon let her drop.
"Grandma no!" Caroline screamed and cried. "Please no!" I wanted to run to her but I couldn't move. I watched as the girl crawled to her grandmothers body. "No." It was a whisper now. The demon watched and smiled. He had a gash down his back which I assumed was made by Martha earlier. Then the atmosphere shifted and the air picked up. Caroline rose to her feet as if her leg wasn't broken. She was deadly calm and she raised her arm above her head. I could feel an intense power and it even scared me. What is happening to her?

I raised my hand above my head. I could feel everything except my own pain. I could feel Cole watching from the trees. I could feel his fear but best of all I could feel the demons fear. He was like a scared puppy. I smiled. "Good." I felt strong. I could feel power rising inside me. "Now." I looked at the demon with complete hatred. His eyes widened. "Yes. I want you to cower. Feel fear one last time before I rip you to shreds." I was talking but it wasn't my words. "Die!" I brought my arm forward like I was throwing a ball at the demon and the sudden wind stopped. I smiled. Then it came rushing back like sharp daggers in the air. It all rushed at the demon and grabbed at his skin. His flesh began to peel away. He was in pain and I was smiling. I wasn't going to let him die without suffering. I made the wind more fierce and sharp. It impaled him repeatedly. "Burn." On my cue he burst into flame. His howl that once scared me rang through the air. Now I am not afraid. It is like music in my ears. He is anything but dead. Unlike my grandmother.
I was hungry.
I walked over to the crispy demon and felt my stomach growl. "I'm going to eat your life force. You will suffer. " I opened my mouth wide and felt my jaw unhinge. In the next instant his soul was pouring out of him and I was devouring it. It was heavenly. When it was all gone the only thing that remained of the demon was bones and flesh. I turned to Cole. "You can come out now."

But I couldn't. I wouldn't. It's all clear to me now. I know what she is. I am the soul harvester. Caroline is my mortal enemy. The soul stealer.

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