Chapter 7

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I had taken her to a nearby empty beach for maximum privacy. I couldn't risk anyone over hearing. She was looking at me impatiently. There was no turning back now.

"In this world, there is more than any normal human knows. There are monsters. The exact ones from your childhood nightmares. Vampires, werewolves, demons, angels, witches, and Death. They all exist. There are differences from the tales you are told as a kid though. Vampires and werewolves are alies and have been for two centuries now. Angels despise all other monsters except themselves. Witches are the protectors of all supernatural beings. Demons are the scum and the lowest on the monster food chain. Then there is Death. Some people call him the Grim Reaper. He is real and I am his assistant." I paused letting her absorb this new information. She was only staring at the water and showed no emotion in her eyes so I continued. "All the supernatural have certain abilities or weapons in order to protect themselves. Vampires have their fangs and some can even influence someone's thoughts. Chad was one as I'm sure you already know. Werewolves have their wolves and their charm. Blair was a werewolf. Witches have their spells and potions. Demons have poisons on multiple points on their bodies such as their saliva and the tips of their tails or claws. Angels have the heavenly light. It's a light that emits from their bodies and repels any enemies with toxic gases without harming the innocent. Finally Death. We have our Grim. It is a beast that is hidden in our blood. He consumes us slowly throughout our lives until finally we succumb to it. That is when we are killed by the one who will replace us. Our Grim is a powerful entity that was given to us by God on the condition that we collect the souls of the deceased. The more we loosen our grip on the Grim though, the shorter our lives become."

She said nothing. Oh how I wish she would say something, anything. "Say something." She looked over at me and a tear slid down her cheek.

"It's ok. " she said. Her words took me aback.


"It's ok that you didn't tell me sooner. It's ok that you are what you are, I'm gonna stick with you even if you want me to or not. It's ok that the world is more dangerous than it seems because I know I have you to protect me. Even if it is for a short amount of time. It's ok."

I couldn't hold back anymore. I reached over and wrapped my sparks around her. I loved to hug her and breath in her scent. What did I do to deserve her? I need to be careful though. I can't get to attached. My Grim was closer to the surface than ever before because of the freedom that I had given it. I had fully released it and let it taste blood. It was stronger than ever and even now I could feel it clawing at my eyes trying to escape. For some reason though every time I held Caroline he seems to draw back and retreat for a little while. She was my release from what I truly am. A monster.


He held me once again and it felt like a sanctuary. Like no matter what I was safe in his arms. He was always there even when he thought I was a human. He has no idea. I looked up at him and could see how tired he really was. It was taking a lot out of him. I was using what power I could to put his Grim at ease.

When I died my blood was drained and so was the spell that was cast on my life's energy. I was released from its grasp when Chad had taken my life. With my moms last breath she had casted a spell on me, for me to forget everything about the supernatural. I always knew though, that I was different. I could just feel it. I wasn't crazy like my foster parents thought.

One day my grandmother showed up out of the blue and my foster family gladly handed me over to her. Grandmother told me stories about a good witch who fell in love with the grim reaper. I would love that story and ask for her to tell it to me everyday. The day before I died she told me that the story was true. And that it was about my parents. Everything was real. Cole just confirmed that. I was born with two destinies.

Two paths that my life could take because my mother was a witch a powerful one, one of the ancients. She was almost as strong as God. And my father was also great. He was none other than Death himself.





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