Chapter 3

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I got back about a few hours ago and the only thing I remember is her smell and the feeling of her soft lips. She smelled warm and sweet like fresh bread. Why can't I forget it. It lingers in the air and on my clothes. I stare at the ceiling of my small room. It's my mission to collect her soul when she passes but I feel like it will hurt me more than it should.
"Cole? " I know that voice.
"In here, sir. " Death opened my door and planted himself on the edge of my bed.
"When you walked in today I forgot to ask. Tell me if I do this right. " he cleared his throat and puffed up his chest, "How was school today?" he said in his best fatherly voice. I laughed a little.
"Pretty good, in both cases. "
"Did you see her. " his expression changed from playfulness to business. It's amazing how bipolar he can seem.
"Yes. " I smiled a bit remembering the way she scrunched her nose while concentrating and how she fidgets when she's nervous and how peaceful she looked while staring at the sky. STOP IT! What is wrong with me?
"Good... Why are you smiling?" he had a dangerous look in his eyes.
"I'm... just excited to collect my first soul. " I lied... I had to. If he really knew then he would take me off the mission. That can't happen.
"Good. We wouldn't want any distractions now would we?"
"No, sir. "
He smiled, "Get some sleep, it's a school night. " He stood up and left without another word. I fell back in bed, this is going to be harder than I thought.

I couldn't get the kiss of my mind. It was... amazing. I hardly slept a wink but somehow managed to get a few minutes of rest before I had to get up. The next morning I find myself trying extra hard to look presentable. My usual sweater and converse won't cut it. And these fresh bags under my eyes didn't help. I dig to the very back of my closet and find a halfway decent shirt that's covered in light flowers. I look at it and have second thoughts, this is gross. Why am I even dressing up? I need help.
"Grandma!" I wait for a minute and my grandma comes in. Her grey hair is pulled back into a bun and her nightgown is brushing the floor.
"Yes dear? "
"Will you help me get ready for school? I need to look presentable." I say holding up the floral horror.
"This isn't for some boy now is it? " She's always had a way of reading my mind and it never failed to surprise me.
"Maybe a little." I say guiltily looking at the floor.
"A boy will only love you for your looks, a man will truly love you for you. " She said and playfully flicked my nose.
"I know... " There is an moment of silence .
"We should start with your hair. A ponytail won't due. " She walked me over to the chair next to my vanity and pulled on the hair tie in my hair until it was gone. My blonde locks cascaded around my shoulders. She looked at me in the mirror. "You look just like your mother, aside from the eyes of course." She laughed and began to pull out a curling iron from one of the drawers on my vanity and plug it in.
"Woah, what are you doing?"
She looked at me innocently and said, "Well if you wanna catch a fish, you need an attractive bait. " She then proceeded to curl my hair and occasionally burn my scalp. In the end I looked in the mirror and marveled at what little effort could make a difference. She smiled at me through the mirror and said, " Wear something simple, it will contrast the hair nicely."
"Thanks grandma. "I said and gave her a kiss on the cheek. 30 minutes and 50 outfits later I was ready for school.

I was sitting in class waiting for her to show up. Her time was coming soon, otherwise she wouldn't have been on the list. I felt a pang in my chest at the thought. I looked up and she walked in, her hair was different. It was down and curly. The look suited her. When she walked passed me to her seat I caught a wiff of her scent, the scent that had been plaguing me all night. But it was edged with the sour scent of death now. My breath caught at the reality of it all. She leaned over to me and asked, "Whatcha think?" she flipped her hair playfully. I looked at her, why am I nervous. Her smile is so bright for someone who's end is near.
"It looks ok. " Ok didn't cut it, she looked gorgeous. I looked at her and her eyes showed hurt. What did I do? I would do anything right now to get that look off of her face. I tried again, "It looks amazing." I tried smiling this time. It came easier than expected, and I reached over and stroked her cheek. She closed her eyes and smiled a bit and muttered thanks then looked down at her sketchbook and began to draw. I looked up at the teacher who had just begun to teach but could feel Caroline's eyes on my face. "What? " I whispered and smirked, "Do i have something on my face?" I remembered what she had asked me when we first met.
"No, I was just... "
"Just what? "
"Nothing. "
"Caroline. " I said in my stern voice.
"I was drawing you... "
I looked over at her and she looked guilty. "Let me see." That obviously scared her. Her eyes got wide and her mouth opened as if to protest but quickly snapped shut. She settled with shaking her head.
"I deserve to see it since it is me after all. "
"Umm. Fine... " She closed her eyes and shoved her sketchbook in my face. I was speachless. What I saw before be was an intricate drawing of my smiling face which almost resembled a black and white photograph. "This is amazing." I said astounded.
"T..thank you!" she blushed and I swear it was the cutest thing.
"Ms. Bridge! Mr. Aines! Do you have something you want to share? " Mrs. Dill said from the front of the class.
"No ma'am." We said at the same time.
She leaned over to me and whispered once Mrs.Dill had turned back around.
"What was up yesterday?"
"What do you mean?" I had to make her think she dreamed it. I had to in order to protect her and myself.
"I mean the kiss."
I looked her in the eyes and said with as much sincerity as possible,"What kiss?" Her eyes widened and her pain showed on her face. She was hurt, and that hurt me. This was for the best. I turned toward the front and pretended not to hear her sobs as she looked out the window.
The school was abuzz about the upcoming Spring Ball that the school hosted annually. Excitement was thick in the air as all the girls were planning their outfits early. The dance was still a month away. I was walking to my seventh period and overheard a group of girls talking.
"OMG! Blair and Chad are officially over! Nows my chance to make a move."
"Sorry girl, it seems he's already making a move on that Bridge girl. " The first girls friend said pointing to my classrooms door. My head quickly whipped around and my jaw dropped. Chad was about my height if not taller and was looming over Caroline's petite frame and had his hand against the doorway by her head. She was giggling and playing with her hair like a school girl. I saw red and turned around and marched in the opposite direction, two can play at this game.

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