Chapter 4

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It was seventh period and I was watching the door waiting for Cole, I had something to tell him. He would love it! Just then he walked through the door and plopped down next to me.
"Guess what." I leaned over towards him.
"What?" His eyes never left the front of the class.
"Chad asked me to the dance and..."
"Well I asked Blair to the dance!" He looked over at me with poorly concealed anger. I couldn't believe my ears.
"Yes. I find her attractive. " He looked so serious and I felt my heart break.
"Oh, ok. I hope you guys have fun." I tried to seem happy but felt tears brimming my eyes. Why am I crying? It's not like he was mine. He was free to do whatever. I looked up as the teacher walked in and raised my hand. I couldn't let him see me cry. "Mrs.Dill?"
"May I please have a pass to the nurse. I don't feel well. "
She eyed me for a moment. "Sure."
I stood up and hesitated. I turned around and looked him in the eye.
"I told him no. " His eyes widened as I turned around and left him. Just like he had left me.

She can't fall for me. She just can't! That would make my job so much harder. I watched her as she left and by the way her shoulders were shaking I could tell that she was crying. I made her cry. It's my fault.

~~~~~~TWO WEEKS LATER~~~~~~
She has avoided me for the past two weeks but I'm beginning to smell the death around her. It's getting stronger with each day that passes. I've hardly had time to get near to her again. Blair has marked me as her property. That's the thing about werewolfs, they think they own everything they touch. She has been bombarding me with dress ideas and if we should match. Truth is I didn't really want to go with her, there was only one person that I wanted and at the moment she won't talk to me.

She had been asked by Chad again and this time she said yes. I was curious enough that I had flashed my Grim and read his mind again. It was stupid of me to waste what little control I had over my beast for a girl who wasn't going to last the month.

Each time I loosened my hold and let my Grim peek into the world I was forfeiting bits of my remaining life. Death has only givin me short facts about the monster within me. He had listed them off as so:
1) The more freedom the Grim gets, the more he will want out
2) Only use him in dire situations
3) Never completely loose your grip on him
4) You will transform eventually, but locking him away will postpone it from happening for now
5) Never let him taste blood, ever!

Up until I met Caroline I have followed the rules to a T. She did something to me that makes me not care what Death has to say.
It's the night of the dance and Death is watching my tie my tie in the mirror.
" I don't get why you are going to such a mortal event. " he said shaking his head.
"I have to blend in and besides Caroline is going to be there and her time is so close that it could be tonight. "
"I see. " He was looking at the floor lost in thought. "This town is full of monsters so be on guard. It's a crowded event and it's going to be dark. Always keep her in you sight because if a soul goes uncollected for to long it begins to resist its vessel. "
"I know, you've told me. "
"Don't get smart with me boy. " His eyes had turned a fiery red with blue rimming. His beast was showing.
"Sir, your Grim. "
He closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again they were back to their normal black.
"I'm getting close to succumbing to his power. You know what to do when that time comes right?."
"I do. I will have to kill you. "
He laughed, "It's funny that you will have to kill Death himself." He had a small smile. "Once you do you will no longer be Cole Aines. You will be know by Death and only Death. Do you understand?"
"Yes sir. "
"You will lose all emotion. "
"I am aware."
"Good. " He smiled and straightened my tie. "Now, get going. You're going to be late. "
I pulled up outside Blair's place, it was huge. There were white pillars beside each door. I honked and she came running out. Her black hair was tied back into a braid and she had a red mermaid dress on that hugged her curves perfectly. She looked stunning. It made me wonder what Caroline would be wearing. Blair hopped in the passenger seat of my truck and smiled at me. I couldn't help but noticing that her canines were slightly longer than the rest of her teeth. Not as long as a vampires but not short enough for a humans.
"You look great. " I said as I pulled off.
"Thanks, you too. I knew the black tux would look great with that red under shirt. " I just nodded. It took about fifteen minutes to get to the school and it was spent with her talking about how much clothes she had and how long it took her to get ready.

The entrance to the dance was covered in flower petals and fake candles. I lifted my nose and smelled the air. She wasn't here yet.
"Dance with me! I love this song! " Blair shouted to me over the loud music.
"I don't dance. "
"Come on! I can show you. " She was so excited and I had nothing else to do so I nodded. She dragged me to the dance floor and started swaying her hips in time to the music. Grabbing my hands she placed them on her sides so that I wasn't just standing there awkwardly. That's when it hit me. Caroline's smell. I lifted my nose in the air and I could almost feel her. I looked towards the entrance and there she was. Her long blond hair was curled and looked soft under the dim lights, the dress she had worn was a silky blue gown that cascaded around her and pooled at her feet. She was marvelous. My jaw dropped her features were accented beautifully. Her multicolored eyes landed on my and I saw a flash of sadness in them that yanked on my heart. Someone's arms reached around her waist and pulled her against their chest. The person connected to them was none other than Chad. I felt rage boil inside me.
"Mine. " I snarled. His accelerated hearing made him able to hear me. He looked up and grined. He cupped Caroline's chin and looked her in the eyes. I read his lips. "Kiss me. " her eyes widened but she didn't refuse. He slowly pulled her face to his and just as their lips were going to touch I yelled.
"Hey Chad! " I grabbed hold of Blair and smashed my lips to hers. It was intense and she was obviously liking it, her hands were pulling on my shirt so that I couldn't end it just yet. It was good but it was no where near as good as Caroline's gentleness. I heard him growl. So did Blair. She opened her eyes and pulled away from me. Their eyes met and you could cut the tension in the air with a knife. He grabbed Caroline 's arm and dragged her away roughly. The mass of bodies on the dance floor prevented me from seeing where they went. The air smelled excruciatingly sour. I need to find her. Now. Her time has come.

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