A moment later a yelp startled me. Well shit. "You didn't have to teleport us into the middle of the store." I grumbled as multiple people stared at us. Fuck. I forgot face masks. "Let's do this quickly. Deku your on snacks, Mirko, feminine products, and I need to grab something that wasn't on the list. Go." I said and Deku ran off, most likely wanting to do it quickly, and Mirko, still slightly shocked at being teleported, walked off.

I sighed and hurried over to home isle. It was mostly empty, there were 2 women talking and looking through the candles. I took a deep breath, this is going to be embarrassing. I walked over. "Excuse me?" I asked the dark gray haired woman as the teal haired woman stopped talking. "Yes?" She asked. "I...ughm...which heating pad would you recommend for period cramps?" I muttered looking down. "Oh! I was not expecting that..." The teal one said. "My sister almost stabbed me so I'm shopping for her." I said.

"Oh! Your that boy from TV! Your sister...I guess she would try and stab ya huh?" The gray one said giggling, at least they weren't being rude. She picked up a wrapped heating pad called Luxury Comfort. "I'd say this one is the best!" She said happily. "Thank you so much!" I said taking it from her as I quickly left. I waited by a cash register for the other 2. Mirko got there first, holding multiple boxes. We stayed quiet as we waited for Deku.

He came strolling over with a buggy of junk foods. I sighed. We quickly bought everything and got Deku to teleport us home. Mic let out a yelp as we had teleported a good two feet in front of him. "Sorry." I said as we quickly walked to Himiko's room. I didn't bother knocking and she hissed at me before realizing who it was. "Yay! Chocolate!" She said. I waited for them to place all of the stuff down. "Kacchan?" Deku asked as he walked to the door. "I'll be there in a second." I said. He nodded and closed the door.

"You have to get dressed so we can go to the hospital, but I got you this, I figured it would help later." I said placing the box on her bed. She ate another piece and looked at the box. Her eyes lit up. "Thank you!" I've wanted one of these for so long! I'll get dressed." She said bouncing around. I chuckled and walked out. I went back to the kitchen where Papa and Dad were dressed and waiting. "Where's Shota?" I asked as I grabbed Deku's hand tightly. The grocery trip was to much time.

"He left early to set up whatever surprise up." Papa said. "Mhm, okay." I said grabbing my jacket off of one of the stools as we all walked out. "Don't tear my house apart!" Papa shouted before closing the door. "There isn't gonna be enough room in the car." Kimoi muttered shyly. "That's okay bubba, there's nothing wrong with a bit of illegal driving every once and awhile." I winked as we loaded up into the Ferrari. I pulled Deku onto my lap, leaving the other 2 seats open for Himiko and Kimoi. Kimoi sat by us and Himiko sat by the window. Deku leaned back into my chest as I held his hips.

I let my chin rest on his shoulder as he rolled the window down a bit letting in a bit of a breeze as we back out of the driveway. "It feels weird knowing that I'm in a car, and it's completely normal and I won't have to duck my head when we get out." Dad mumbled. "Well, get used to it." I said, Deku squirming a little. Ticklish little thing. The ride was peaceful. Kimoi and Himiko talked about tiny random things. He was getting comfortable with us.

I sighed as we pulled into the parking lot. "Okay, he said to just ask the receptionist for room 37." Dad said as we got out of the car. Immediately, anyone that was in the parking lot was looking at us. I grabbed Deku's hand and hurried them inside the building. Dad seemed awkward and on alert, can't say I blame him. Papa walked over to the lady at the desk and they had a mumbled conversation before Papa walked back over.

"Okay, Aizawa's in there, so let's go!" He said grabbing Dad's hand. I smiled as I followed them down the hallway to the elevator, 37 was at the beginning of floor 2. They could hold hands, get married, and it would be okay. We were lucky when there wasn't anybody in the elevator. We got in and Himiko pressed the button for floor 2. I got an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. Damn elevator's. Kimoi grabbed my hand tightly. He looked a bit nauseous.

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