Chapter 121-130

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  When Fuyan and Bai Yueli returned to Shui Lingzong, they instantly caused quite a stir in the entire inner sect. To be precise, it was the scene where they were able to appear alive in front of everyone's eyes, which was really surprising. .

"It's Senior Sister Bai!"

"And Junior Sister Fu!

As soon as the two of them appeared in the square of the inner gate, a group of disciples greeted them with surprises, and there were shouts from all around.

Looking at the scene in front of her, she was still a little surprised, but when she thought of Bai Yueli's reputation in the sect, she quickly smiled helplessly. "

Senior Sister Bai, you are really back, scary. Damn me, I thought you were trapped in a secret realm and couldn't get out for a while. "

"Hasn't the space teleportation vortex completely collapsed?" , how did Senior Sister Bai come back? "


Xu Shi looked at the living Bai Yueli reappearing in the inner door, and everyone who had just returned couldn't help revealing doubts all over their faces, and immediately asked Bai Yueli at a loss.

On the other hand, Fu Yan on the side, except for a few people who said hello to him at the beginning, the rest of his eyes still fell on Bai Yueli. Soon

, Bai Yueli beside him was surrounded by a group of disciples . In the middle, the sound of discussion overwhelmed the crisp sound of bells in the distance.

Facing the scene in front of her, Bai Yueli didn't have much emotion. She just smiled lightly, and then she simply described it like everyone else. My own experience of coming out of the secret realm.

Of course, the matter between her and Fuyan was taken by a very simple stroke.

I don't have any other thoughts, but it is a feeling that belongs to them alone, and there is no need to show it. That's all.

The news of the two returning to the sect spread almost quickly throughout the inner sect, so in just a moment, Bai Yueli received news from the elders of the inner sect and asked her to go to the front hall with Fuyan. a trip.

When she heard the news, Fu Yan was not too surprised. After all, her strength in the secret realm was enough to attract the attention of the entire sect

. Fu Yan and Bai Yueli did not delay. He turned around again and came directly to the main hall of the forward of Shui Lingzong.

When standing outside the main hall, Fu Yan couldn't help but look up at the plaque above, remembering that the last time she and Bai Yueli came here, it was because of Tong Zhen.

Only that time, Bai Yueli walked in alone.

Today, Fu Yan walked side by side with Bai Yueli into the large hall of Lin Liao, and saw that she was dressed in a particularly gorgeous red, with long blue silk blowing on her shoulders, and her dark eyes were also very dull.

The building of the main hall is extraordinarily splendid, antique, and has the taste of ancient palaces, but it is full of fairy spirit, and people can't help but feel bright.

Fu Yan seemed to just look around at random, and then slowly retracted her gaze. Soon, the figures of her and Bai Yueli appeared in the center of the hall.

One white and one red figure added a touch of color to the huge hall.

At this moment, Elder Lin and Elder Xu, who were familiar to Fu Yan, were standing quietly on both sides of the hall, and there was no other sound except for their footsteps.

Slowly stopping, Fu Yan raised his eyes slightly and looked at the hall in front of him, only to see two old figures standing with their hands behind their backs, with a smile on their faces.

One of them, Fu Yan, was a little familiar. After thinking about it in his mind, he realized that he was the inner door elder who presided over the inner door ranking competition before, and the person standing beside him, Fu Yan was the first. See you once.

However, to Fu Yan's slight surprise, the two of them were both solid practitioners of the Dao Perfection Stage.

In addition to the suzerain, a second-rate sect like the Shui Ling Sect actually has two elders with great perfection strength in the reunion period. It is indeed difficult to ignore the existence of the Shui Ling Sect.

"The disciple has seen the first elder and the vice sect master!"

Just as Fu Yan was thinking to herself, she suddenly heard Bai Yueli's voice full of respect beside her. She couldn't help but pause for a moment, and once again glanced at the elder in the corner of her eye. The figure beside the elder.

It turned out that this person was actually the deputy suzerain of the Shui Ling Sect.

As Bai Yueli's voice fell, Fu Yan also silently retracted his gaze in an instant, and then raised his hand without being arrogant or arrogant: "Disciple Fu Yan, I have seen the first elder and the vice sect master!"

"Well." The elder was still as amiable as always, looking down at the two people below, nodding involuntarily, while reaching out to stroke his long beard.

However, the deputy sect master stared at Fu Yan quietly, and after a long pause, he asked, "You are Fu Yan?" The

tone of voice was a bit

unintelligible. Raising her head again, she looked in front of her vice sect master, and then quietly responded, "Yes."

"It's really good, that is, our disciples of the Water Ling Sect. If you need anything in the future, go directly. Just look for the deacon elder." The deputy sect master quickly retracted his gaze. However, he said in a low voice

, and the elders on both sides of the hall all showed a surprised look. They couldn't help but look at Fu Yan's figure in the hall, but the expressions on their faces were different. .

Even Bai Yueli, who was on the side, was slightly stunned after hearing the words of the vice sect master, but her clear eyes soon flashed a hint of joy.

In response to the various sights coming from all around, Fu Yan did not have any timid expression, still smiling slightly, and responded to the vice sect master above, "Thank you, my disciple."

In fact, the meaning of the vice sect master has already been However, it is obvious that Fu Yan's strength and talent have been recognized by him.

It was because of this that he signaled that Fuyan would be the key training target of Shui Lingzong from today. These remarks also instantly raised Fu Yan's position in the sect.

Therefore, when the elders around, some did not react when they got this recognition.

After all, before that, Bai Yueli was the only one recognized as the key training target of the Shui Ling Sect. Of course, as the son of the sect master, Yu Heng had only a lot of training resources secretly.

Now, there is a third person.

Yu Guang saw Bai Yueli happy for her, but Fu Yan couldn't help sighing in her heart. She didn't seem to understand that the attention she received would be to take her place.

These vice sect masters of Shui Lingzong obviously want to train Fuyan as Bai Yueli's successor. As long as her reputation rises, Bai Yueli will be used as a furnace immediately. For Shui Lingzong , it won't have much impact.

After this topic was over, I saw the elder above looking at the two below with a smile again, and then asked about Fu Yan and Bai Yueli's escape in the secret realm.

Bai Yueli still omits the matter between the two, and then briefly talks about the difficult journey for the two to come back.

"Forget it, it's good to be able to come back safely." After listening to Bai Yueli's words, the first elder above said with emotion, as if he was really happy for the two of them.

Soon, the elders and the deputy sect masters above casually asked some matters in the secret realm again, and then slowly said: "If that's the case, let's go back there first to have a good rest."

"Yes." Fu Yan and Bai Yueli agreed in unison.

When the words fell, the two of them did not stay in the main hall any longer. They quickly turned around and left the front hall with big strides. However, in a short time, above the huge hall, the calm

before Fu Yan was restored again. Not long after leaving with Bai Yueli, the elders all over the place also left one after another.

Soon, there were only two elders and the vice sect master left above the main hall.

"Oh, it's really old." The elder looked at the backs of everyone leaving, and suddenly shook his head gently, and then muttered to himself with emotion: "The Northern Territory in the future is really going to become a It 's the era of the younger generation."

The deputy sect master on the side seemed to be used to this, but his expression was light, as if he had not heard anything.

"But..." At the end, the Great Elder suddenly changed the topic again, and said a little funny: "The body of pure yin is really powerful, and I don't know if the suzerain's choice is really correct."

Wen Yan, the deputy suzerain on the side said this. Then he said lightly: "The sect master has his own decision."

After speaking, calm was restored in the hall again, and there was only a smile on the face of the great elder.

After coming out of the front hall, Fuyan followed Bai Yueli back to the wooden house.

Thinking about it carefully, although Fu Yan had been to Bai Yueli's house several times before, this was the first time she had lifted her foot and walked into the house.

Bai Yueli's room is the same as her own, very simple and elegant, making people extraordinarily comfortable and comfortable, without any sense of restraint.


Just when Fu Yan looked around curiously, she saw Bai Yueli in front of her suddenly turn around and said with a smile to Fu Yan in front of her.

Fu Yan paused, but asked: "Senior sister, does it really feel like a good thing to get the attention of the sect?"

Bai Yueli also paused when the words fell.

For a moment, Fu Yan had the urge to say everything directly, but thinking about it carefully, Shui Lingzong was like home to Bai Yueli, how should she speak.

Moreover, Fu Yan did not have any evidence, even if Bai Yueli would always want to believe in herself, this fact requires evidence and credibility.

Thinking of this, Fu Yan regained her previous demeanor in a blink of an eye, and she said with a smile: "But that's fine, I can finally be side by side with Senior Sister."

Hearing this, Bai Yueli smiled helplessly, and then slowly said, "You have caught up." Now she can feel that she is no longer Fu Yan's opponent.

Fu Yan's strength is already higher than Bai Yueli's

"Senior sister, are you going to retreat now?" Fu Yan seemed to think of something suddenly, and couldn't help but look up at Bai Yueli in front of him, and asked aloud road.

"Yeah." Bai Yueli nodded, then slowly explained, "The inheritance of the Immortal Mansion needs to be digested slowly."

Hearing this, Fu Yan looked at Bai Yueli with some grievance, and opened her eyes. With a pair of innocent big eyes, she said lightly, "Then I won't be able to see the teacher for a long time..."

However, before she could finish her words, someone gently covered her lips.

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