Love At First Sight (Liz&OC) - Request ★

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Mia's POV
I was on my shift when a beautiful brunette woman walked in, dressed in blue jeans, a white band T-shirt and sunglasses. She's drop-dead gorgeous, and if I had a type, it would be her.

I forgot I was serving the customer in front of me.

"Excuse me." The man asked, annoyed. The woman smirked.

"I'm so sorry. Here's your coffee, Sir. Have a nice day." I handed him the take away cup and he walked out.

The woman walked over to the counter.

"Hi, what can I get for you today?" I asked.

"An iced latte with oat milk and your number, please." She smiled. "I'm Liz."

"I'm Mia. Here's my number." I said scribbling down my number and giving it to her. "I'll get your coffee."

"Thank you. This is-" She's cut off by a group of teenagers running over to her. "Jesus Christ." She mutters.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Oh my god! Liz Gillies!" A girl screams.

"I literally love you more than life!" Another one yells.

About ten kids crowd her asking for her autograph, pictures with her and for her to follow them on Instagram. I can see she's getting flustered.

"Can everyone back away please?" I ask. "Sorry, store policy." I say and they all groan but walk away.

"Thank you so much." Liz says to me and I hand her the coffee she ordered.

"Don't mention it. Wanna come out the back?" I ask and she nods.

I lead her out to the back of the cafe and over to a bench on the grass with a view of the park.

"So, you're famous?" I ask smirking.

"I love my job but sometimes it's such a curse." Liz sighs.

"Is it bad that I have no idea who you are?" I ask and she laughs. God, her laugh is so precious.

"Not at all. It's refreshing." She smiles.

"Do you think I could take you out for dinner tonight?" I ask playing with my hands.

"I'd love that." She says, putting her hand on mine.

I blush and she laughs.

"You're so pretty." Liz tells me, brushing a loose curl of my hair behind my pierced ear.

"Thank you. So are you." I say.

"I'm looking forward to our date." She smiles.

"Me too." I smile back.

"I should go, but I'll meet you here at six?" She asks.

"I'll be waiting." I say.

She kisses my cheek and walks off.

Tonight at six. I think to myself.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now