🚩🏴‍☠️Mumbo's Having a Crisis pt. 1🏴‍☠️🚩

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Hehehe, enjoyyyyyy~~~


"Mumboooooooo!!" Shouts Grian as he starts his descending from the sky. When he got to the ground and received no answer he decided to poke his bestie.

"Mumbooo~~~ what's wrong? You look upset"

Mumbo sighed "I'm fine, Green, really. Please, just leave me alone"

Gran was a persistent bitch; he wouldn't leave until he got an answer. Whatever was bothering the mustached man, he had to know.

Mumbo got up and went into his house and the bread boi followed.

"Ugh, Grian, why are you still here!?" The usually reserved man snaps, making Grian flinch a little.

Arms make their way around the noodle humans waist "I'm just worried. You're more pissed off than usual and wanna know what's got you like this" Grin sobbed and held on tighter.

Mumbo returned the hug. Suddenly he pulls out a knife from his pocket and jams it deep in Grians back

Grian gasps "M-- why the fuck do you have a knife?" He asks; not at all bothered by the fact that he'd just been stabbed.

Should've listened

Mumbo yanked the knife from Grain's back and exited the house, leaving the prankster behind to bleed out.


Mumbo felt great! Turns out stabbing people and leaving them to die is quite therapeutic.

"Hi, Mumbo!" Iskall exclaimed as they cross paths. "You busy?"

Mumbo shook his head, "great! You'll come help me with my iron farm? I know it's silly to ask but I keep fucking it up"

Mumbo nodded, and they both headed over to Iskall's industrial district


The two stood atop the finished iron farm, looking down at the massive contraption they had just completed.

"Hey, Iskall?" The swedish potato looked up at the other with curiosity. "This was fun. I really enjoy building things with you" Mumbo said as he got closer to his friend.

Iskall blushed "I enjoy building with you too, Mumbo. We should do it more often" they said, wrapping their arms around the long boi.

The humans slowly inched closer, until finally, their lips met in a short but sweet kiss.

"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do" Mumbo whispers into Iskall's ear before shoving them down into the iron farm; slowly getting whisked away by the water.

Iskall looked up to Mumbo, who smiled wickedly and flew to the other side of the contraption, patiently waiting for his friend to be dropped into the sorting system.

Eventually, Iskall dropped down, only they didn't drop into a hopper like they'd hoped.

You see, they didn't want the poppies, so they decided to make a trash chute which was just some fire at the end of the path. That's exactly where Iskall was heading; they were gonna get burned alive.

Mumbo watched through the glass as his friend slowly slid down the ice stream. He never intended for Iskall's death to be this traumatic. He was simply gonna let Iskall starve to death in the storage area, but clearly that just wasn't happening.

Shreaks of terror filled Mumbo's ears. He really wanted to break the thing and save Iskall; maybe even spare them and live a long, happy life together... but something about this whole situation was somewhat therapeutic to Mumbo.

Iskall cried bloody murder as they were engulfed by the flames, soon after all noise stops. Mumbo had a twisted grin on his face, and then he started to laugh manically.

Eventually he left to pay his next victim a visit.


They we dropping like flies; each death being more gruesome than the last.

He'd just finished ripping out all of Scar's organs using nothing but his mouth. Of course, the psycho had taken Scar over and ended him in the same room as his boyfriend, grien. It would've been rude not too.

Everyone was now dead, except for one person. The man that was partly responsible for causing this to happen. The creator of this dumb little server they all once happily lived on; Xisuma...


This is long enough so imma write the big boss fight in a part 2 in about a years time /hj

Anyway was this good? It's different from what I usually write so I want opinions

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