Nora Steven

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"Mommmmmmmmm" please can you turn it off, i love you so much" groaning and muttering, Nora rises from the bed staggering to the bathroom.
"Love you too baby, time to go to college, today is your first day and oh meet oma on the way, her mom said she'll wait for you, oh my God,i forgot to pack lunch and and and i forgot....
"Mom you forgot nothing, you told me these already and am not a child anymore why would you pack lunch for me" she says hugging Mrs Eno from the behind

"Okay darling" pushing Nora back to the bathroom "time to wash up, you don't have all the time "

Nora Steven is a 19 years old daughter of Late Mr steven and his wife Eno Steven. although they are not rich, the stevens are not also poor, Eno Steven runs a small tailoring business.
Nora is actually black. Her mother is a Nigerian with a Canadian father. Her parents relocated to Canada after marriage giving birth to Nora in canada. Mr West Steven died 10 years later after being diagnosed with cancer leaving 11 year old Nora and her mom. Although Nora is Canadian born, she has a chocolaty skin color giving the feeling of mixed race and has curly hairs like every black.

Growing up wasn't hard for Nora wasn't hard because a lot of blacks are citizens of canada so it was easy to mix up and have friends.
Coming out of the bathroom, she dressed up wearing a baggy jeans and a crop T-shirt. "Mom can you help me pack this hair, i can never this bush even if i tried to, oma is so lucky"

"Relaxing the hair  is also an option, who'll do it when I'm not around "
"You always be around.....and relaxing, nahhhh ma can't do that. Don't you see those Instagram bitch..
"Words Nora"
" I mean beach girls mom"
"Beach girls on Instagram huh?"
"Yes ma, don't you see them"
" No i don't, tell me about it"

Fidgeting on the chair under Mrs Eno's intense gaze, "mom i love you, I'll pick Oma on my way. Nora picked her bag and the car keys and ran kissing out her on the cheek
Mrs Eno smiled knowing her Nora's childish behavior when she's caught.

"oh God thank you for today"Nora sighed in relief as soon as she entered the car, she droved to Oma's house.

"Girl what look like shit, did you run here"
"Babes forget it, that woman is a pain in the ass"
"Tell me about it"

"Which woman is a pain in the ass" a soft voice was heard coming from the kitchen taking the two by surprise

Looking at both of them suspiciously " yes...which woman were you both talking about"

"Ohhhhh woman, woman ,well you see...haha..."Nora stammered looking at Oma for help.
"Yes go on"
"Mom, Nora was talking about the woman she met in the market today"
"Market?" Still eyeing Mrs Kimberly asked
"Yesssss, well you see Nora met a woman today who was shouting like a mad woman in the market because Nora almost scratched her car"
"But why market?"
"Hmmm? Why not market" Nora asked out of impulse
"But the market doesn't lead to my house Nora..... What are you people not telling me?"
"Aunt kim, did Oma say was last week when i went to the market"

"Ohh, you guys should get going now and remember to be on your best behavior especially you Oma"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
" When i thought my mother was it, your mother had to be the elephant in the midst of frogs" Nora said as she got down from the car
"Girl, I would not tolerate you calling my mom an elephant"
" Oh please like you didn't call mine a giraffe just some days back"
" Your mom really acts like it tbh"
" I think your mom's animal name is just perfect"

" The fuck happened" Nora screamed turning back
" Words Nora"
" To hell with that"
Nora turned around in anger and went to the car that just scratched hers.
"Hey dude, i know my car is nothing compared to yours but can you not see a car was parked here?" Nora nagged as soon as the door was opened.
Stepping out the car with black shades. The man stared at Nora for sometime before walking pass her
"Dummy head I'm talking to you so you better stop and listen to me or else..."
"Or else what" the young man said cutting her off "you know what...just like you said your car is nothing compared to mine, why would i notice it" turning to his assistant"Patrick, pay the bills, I don't have time for this shit"

"Hellooo, money can't buy everything grumpy head, the sooner you know that, the better for your amoeba shaped head" turning to the assistant too" dude get my car back to new or better still, buy a new one since your boss is foolishly rich, rubbish"

" I guessed we are finished, i don't want to ever see your ugly face anymore"
" Ohh you won't you fool, let's go Oma".she said dragging Oma.
"Haha bye guys and you too handsome sweetie" Oma said winking at Patrick and blowing him a kiss.
"What....the Patrick dude is so cute".

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