Paper Rings

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This is my second epistolary. I enjoyed writing Lucas and Ash's story so, here I am. Because of the same reason — I need to breathe.

This is, of course, a homo-love story, meaning, the lovers were same gender. I am not telling you to still continue if you feel that reading the 'likes' will make you uncomfortable.

Preface and last chapter/s will be narration, while the others were chat style.

The typographical errors were either intended or not. Still, bare with my mistakes. I write impulsively, and I edit lazily.

And, one more thing. All photos I used weren't mine. All of them are taken from different sites.

Every character is only a product of imagination. No character is derived in real life, and similarities are only coincidences. The familiarity with actual events are out of my intention.

The story is only at Wattpad, published under the username @Biembeh. No one is allowed to publish, transmit, or exploit any content without my prior knowledge.

Preferable fonts:
Style: Serif
Size: Fully Minimized

Thank you, and happy reading!❣️

P A P E R  R I N G S
an epistolary

player x writer
(Luis) x (Tyler)

Paper Rings (Epistolary)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon