Sans Secret Space

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You and Sans were left with Grillby as per usual, so Sans figured it was time to show you around the rest of the underground, starting with the location next to Snowdin. "hey grillbz, can we go to waterfall?" You looked over at Sans from your spot on the couch holding Papyrus. "I... suppose so. I heard Santa put in a good word with the king. [Y/N] should be safe." Grillby decided. "Just check in every hour, ok? I would hate to tell your father I've lost you." Sans agreed immediately and you handed Pap off to Grillby so you could get ready for 'Waterfall'. "So what is Waterfall, Sans?" You asked as you slipped into you boots and threw on your jacket. "that's for me to know and you to find out. i hope those are water resistant." You gave Sans a confused look as he grabbed your hand and led you outside. Monsters greeted you both happily, you both doing the same. "just keep holding my hand when we get to the fog, [Y/N], we'll be through before you know it." Sans promised you as you both approached the thick white mass. It then swallowed you both.


Waterfall was nothing at all like Snowdin. Not at all. There was no snow, for one. It was just dark blue grass, luminous cyan waters, and the flowers that looked equally luminous. It was absolutely amazing! You could stare at it for hours.. Sans didn't allow that though as he gently led you along the path. "if you think this is pretty, you should look up." Sans suggested. You followed his advice, looking up at the cavernous ceiling to see stars? "I-I thought we were Underground..?" You asked, mind blown. Sans merely chuckled. "we are. those are just crystals that look like the stars. i bet they don't compare to the real thing though." It didn't matter to you. This place was the most wonderful place you'd ever saw or ever will see. Then you stepped into water. You squeaked and pulled away, back onto land. "oh c'mon shorty! we gotta cross to get to my secret spot!" It looked awfully fast, and there was chunks of ice coming down too. You shook your head. "hm... how about if i carry you across then?" He suggested. You hesitated, then nodded. "Ok... just don't fall.." He chuckled and crouched in front of you so you could get on his back. "i won't."


Sans carried you the rest of the way, much to your delight. "alright, shorty, you're gonna have to get down. i'll need my arms to complete this puzzle." You were now at a river that looked much deeper than the last as you slipped down off of Sans. "I am NOT short!" You roared with the adorablness of a kitten. Sans laughed at your feeble attempt to be intimidating. "just grab a pod and follow me." Sans picked up a big, exercise ball sized flower pod and carried it to the water. You followed his example as he put in the water. He took yours and did the same thing. They lined up, side by side. You both grabbed one more and as soon as they were all lined in a row, the pods bloomed, creating a path to... you didn't actually know. "come on, you won't fall through." Sans promised as he JUMPED onto the first pod, clearly making his point. You followed after him with uncertainty, but Sans hasn't broken his promise yet. You'd be fine.


It was a small side cave, that branched off from the main part of Waterfall. Inside it was a lone bench and one of those cyan flowers. "welcome to my secret space. i like to come here to think." He explained as he sat on the bench. "What do you think about?" You asked, curiously poking the flower. "What do you think about?" The flower repeated, making you jump. "Woah!" Sans busted out laughing, making you pout. "th-that's a echo flower. they repeat the last thing they hear." He explained between fits of laughter. You huffed at his laughter. "Why do you have to be so mean!"
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry! your reaction was priceless!" He finally calmed down. "i think about a lot of things here. sometimes family stuff, sometimes personal wishes, sometimes just random things." He answered your earlier question. "Personal wishes?" You asked, sitting beside him. "uh-huh. i wanna see the real stars. hm... and go to outer space! we can go to the moon, and maybe be the first to visit another planet!" He rambled, clearly very much into space. "That sounds great, I can't wait until I free the monsters so we can do those things!"


Sans frowned instantly. "don't say that. you can't free us." You looked shocked. "Why not? I thought you would be happy that I'm going to free the monsters?" He shook his head. "dad explained it to me. one, we need seven human souls to break the barrier. you have only one. two, that means you have to die, and i don't want you to die [Y/N]." Sans stated seriously. "Oh.." Well you didn't want to die. "but don't worry!" Sans started quickly. "that's what my dad is working on in the lab! we are looking at alternative ways to break the barrier! then we can escape without hurting anyone!" Sans reassured. "... Sans...?" You called quietly, thinking on his words. "hm?" He answered. "Can I watch, as Dr. Gaster works?" He shrugged. "i don't see why not. i've been working with him for years. just... don't touch anything, k?" You nodded. "Ok!"
"we'll ask tonight then." You agreed, excited to see Gaster's place of work.

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