Reaction part three

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When you get into a fight

-He would of course be disappointed.
-He will give you millions of lectures.
-He will tell you that's its wrong to hit somebody not caring if they hit you first or not.

-He will get pissed of at the person who hit you.
-He would complain to the teachers to suspend him or he would sue the school.

-He will get disapointed.
-he will stop giving you piggybag rides.
-But he will see how upset you are and will let you play with layla.

-He will not be bothered about it
-He will make you feel better
-And he will buy you icecream.

-He will be mad at the guy who hurt you of course but will not show it.
-He will fill you with lectures.
-Will make sure to cheer you up since he doesn't want a moody sister.

-He will kill the guy who hurt you (not actually though)
-Makes sure to make you feel better.
-and will buy you dumblings (Sorry I just love dumblings so much)

-the same with jungwon he will beat the man up.
-He will make sure you are fine.
-he will scold you and kiss your cheek to make you feel better.

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