Chapter 9| Hidden evidence

Start from the beginning

"Ok Kyle I need a favor. Do you have anything that's like a rope or something? I need it to tie his arms and legs so that he'll be easier to carry." I thought hard about it.

"The only ropes I've ever known are the ones we use at home"

"Kyle I'm not talking about at home I'm talking about here"

"Ummm no, but, Oh! I have my robe tie's. It should be strong enough to hold him"

"Ok please go get two of them and be quick and try not to be suspicious. I'll stay here and make sure nobody comes in"

"Ok" I nodded and walked out the door quick as possible. Once I got down the stairs I walked over to my dressing room and when I opened it I instantly stopped in my tracks when I seen who was slouched down on the couch. Kennedy pierce. The dickhead who slept with my sister and stole my mothers car.

I almost threw up at his shitty smirk.

"Heyyy kai did you miss me?"

"Don't you ever fucking call me that you piece of shit"

"Aww so passionate as always" He said putting a hand over his heart as if he was someone shot a arrow right through it.

"Where's my mothers car or should I say $40k motherfucker?" I spat at him with so much hate. He got up, sighing and fixing his maroon leather jacket.

"Look kai-"

"DONT YOU EVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT" I yelled pointing a finger at him. He held his hands up in defense but smirked a little bit afterwards.

"Oh cmon doll, that was 12 years ago. You need to get over it, it's annoying the fuck out of me to be honest."

"Get over it? GET OVER IT?! You slept with my sister in OUR bed while I was by my grandmothers side at the hospital and after I confronted you you STOLE MY MOTHERS CAR!"

I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket of my robe while the light from the screen shined dimly through it. Me and Kennedy drew our attention to my pocket. I quickly pulled it out of my pocket and unlocked my phone to see that I had 5 messages from Michael.

I slapped my hand on my forehead in frustration.

"Shit" I muttered. I put my phone back in my pocket and looked at Kennedy.

"Look, we need to do this another time- well not ever but I'm really busy right now so you need to leave." I said. I walked passed him and into my closet looking through my robe. Once I came in contact with one I yanked it off quickly and went to go grab the other but as soon as I grabbed it I felt a hand grip a bunch of my hair, pulling me back with such force.

I screamed and kicked, trying to get Kennedy's hand off my hair.

"AHH KENNEDY LET GO" He threw me on the floor and got on top of my torso to hold me down. He ripped the tie of my robe off roughly trying to get a hold of my wrists. I kept swinging my arms around, yelling very loud like a complete maniac. He gave me a hard blow to the cheek causing me to become a little dizzy. He grabbed both of my wrists and tied them. Wait. This man is only 5'4...what the hell am I doing?

Michaels POV

I paced back and forth, wondering what the hell Kyle was doing. I texted her atleast 20 times by now and she STILL hasn't answered. Fuck it I'm going down there to see what's going on. I peeked my head out the doorway to make sure nobody was in the hall. Once the coast was clear I quickly made my way down the stairs and into the dressing rooms. I opened Kyle's door.

"Kyle what the-"

"AHHHHHH" I heard a man scream as he flew out of Kyle's closet and into the wall, flopping down on the couch and onto the floor. My eyes widened as I watched him go limp. My eyes darted to the closet to see Kyle coming out hugging and puffing. Her eyes looked like a mad woman's eyes, I've seen those before and I never wanna see them again...Once she looked at me and cocked a psychotic smile and raised up two silk robe ties that were different colors.

"Oh hey honey! Look! I got the cmon let's get this show on the road" She said walking towards me. Once she walked passed me I glanced at the unconscious guy on the floor and back at her.

"Who's he?"

"He's a human now cmon let's go" Once she turned the corner the only thing I heard were her heels clicking against the smooth floor but they faded quickly. I rushed up the stairs still checking behind my back to see if anyone was following me. When I got to the door Kyle was already tying Frankie's limbs together, starting at his wrists. I closed the door and started helping Kyle with the legs. She grabbed the string while I tried to hold his fat ankles together.

She was awfully quiet so I was gathering the words to say so that the awkward tension in the room could soon fade out.

"Soo...wanna tell me why you were taking so long-"

"I don't wanna talk about it." She said sternly. Well that really shut me up...what the hell happened..and who the hell was that guy....?

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