Atropos stepped back from the table, "Well that's only because you grew up with them."

Atropos went to step away from the desk, accidentally brushing her hand against the side of the desk as she did.

Bright blue light erupted into existence as a holo projection appeared at the center of the room, large enough to obscure the window. Their father's voice echoed through the room and the three of them idly gathered together as they stared at the strange image unfolding before them.

Krill stood on a lecture stage shifting nervously on his four feet head turning in little darts and stops as he looked around.

"When was this.... He looks so?"

He didn't look much different in fact, almost the same but he didn't hold himself in nearly the same way. He walked with a distinctly un-krill movement, more like a spider, his motions were jerky and precise but somehow missing fluidity, and he seemed very very nervous as if he expected someone to come out of nowhere and eat him.

"Yes, I.... today I will be presenting to the GA on a concern I have regarding my uh, human companions. I have significant concerns about the species cortical health that I wish to address. I believe there may be some species wide, illness of parasite that is making them the way that they are."

A voice off camera speaks, "And you have evidence of this."

Lachesis's antennae hummed, "Look at him he's so...."

"Different?" Clotho provided

Lachesis shrugged not sure how to articulate what she was thinking.

"Well um, this is about a pattern of extreme reckless behavior that I have noticed in their presence which I would like to discuss at some length." His voice grew calmer as he spoke, but still it was hard to believe that they were looking at their father, he was so timid.

"It's called, extreme sports and I.... I am highly concerned that the humans are actively trying to cause themselves great injury if not death."

"Please explain."

Krill shifted again, "Well humans participate in a lot of activities that are pointlessly reckless. I will begin my summary with a list of these activities and a summary of the results if such activities are to go wrong."

There was a pause for him to take a deep breath before he began.

"Humans spent an inordinate amount of time in water, where they do not belong. Before you start shaking your heads in confusion, I must remind you that humans are not an aquatic species, they have no gills, they have no fins, they cannot breathe underwater, and they don't even have a natural swimming instinct that you see in some species of mammal. Even the fastest humans can only swim at a rate of approximately five to six miles per hour and the average human can only manage about two miles per hour/ 3.22km per hour. Basically humans are slow, helpless and pathetic in water, and their offspring are prone to inhaling water and drowning. Yet I can't seem to keep the stupid creatures away from anything and everything that is wet."

Atropos snickered, "Ah, there he is."

Lachesis's antennae hummed in amusement, "The dad we all known and love coming out."

"They are not meant for the water, they have no business being in the water, but I every opportunity they have, they take off their pants and run right I despite the fact that they are literally exposing themselves to the least natural environment possible. Time and time again I have tried to warn them off, but time and time again they ignore me completely, and it doesn't even end there, oh NO! If you think that's pointlessly dangerous, anything dumb you can think of doing near the water, humans do it. They like jumping into the water from great heights, doing flips and tricks on their way down One of their favorite positions for "Diving" is literally head first, you know the head that is attached to the neck that if broken can cause immediate paralysis or worse death. Not to mention that the surface tension of the water is difficult to break in certain positions meaning if a human lands wrong on the water its no better than landing on a rock from height, or if spread over a large surface area. Humans have a name for this by the way, its called a belly flop and they think its funny."

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