Chapter Thirty One

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Chay watched his brother as he paced across the front of the dinning hall in the lodge. Inside, there were close to sixty people. From the youngest, Killika's son who was starting to sit up by himself, smiling at anyone who paused to talk to them, to Dr. Mike Ingersoll who was approaching seventy.

Dasan Stargazer stood beside Erik Amudson, gazing out at the runway where all of their planes were parked facing into the dominant westerly winds.

Chay squeezed Alicia's hand, and kissed her forehead before going over to stare out the window with his father. The framework of one massive tent was already up, and the first bands of dark green canvas were attached. There were doors big enough to swallow a semi trailer if need be, but it would store their airplanes instead.

The air force had come through with several barrels of avgas in case of emergency. Captain Janice Whipper of the Coast Guard sat at the table across the front of the room beside Sarge. The combined conversations swirling around tables created an air of anticipation.

Hakan paced behind the head table, where his mate Armaruq sat at one end tapping away at his laptop. Chay walked over to see what he was working on and saw a list of all the people living and working on the ranch. Divided by families, skills, and what they had volunteered to do, he had a massive spread sheet open for reference.

Chay approached his brother and brother in law, looking around for Kanti.

"Where's your wife?" he asked Hakan.

"She should be around somewhere. I think she went to check on the tents, so we can give everyone an update on what's going on. She want's Erik's mother here to fill us in. Anya is a force to be reckoned with. She and Mike are working to give us a mini hospital for animals and people."

"I see them coming," Chay pointed out the window.

"Then I'll call this meeting to order. I want Catherine's report on the volcanoes first." Hakan told him.

"I'll find her. She's looking a lot better now." Chay said and scanned the room. Catherine was sitting close to the door to the kitchen. Jett Stroman was next to her, looking more and more like a guard dog. Not that he could blame him.

Chay stopped to let Alicia she would be speaking about the bears after Catherine said her piece. He continued between the tables, stopping a few times to speak to various people he recognized along the way.

"Catherine, you're up first. Hakan wants the news on the volcanoes. You can add what I have established about the magnetic field. It's north to south almost exactly from zero by zero for the north pole. The slip we've had for the last couple of decades toward the south east disappeared."

"I'll do that. Yellowstone is ready to blow by all accounts. The mega caldera in Eastern America isn't far behind. I'm going to speak from here. I don't want to be up front."

Chay nodded. "Be ready, Anya and Kanti just came in. I'll let Hakan know." He raised his hand to wave at his brother catching his eye. He didn't envy him the position of leader, but he was a natural. Strong and quiet, he listened well, and he had a head for figuring out what was most important to do first.

Hakan rapped a fork against the side of the water glass sitting on table beside him. He tugged on his braid, as he waited for people to finish their conversations and pay attention.

"Catherine Ingersoll will tell us about the state of the volcanoes around the world. This is extremely important for us, as we may need to prepare for cooler temperatures and ash fall out."

Chay and Alicia turned their chairs so they could see the redheaded woman as she rose to speak.

"First of all, let me thank everyone for helping to heal. I'm much better, but I'm going to be jumpy. So please don't sneak up on me when I'm in the radio shack." She looked at Jett deliberately as she spoke, and he shrugged sheepishly.

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