Met you in an Apocalypse

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Zombie apocalypse au because I'm bored, it depends how long this will take, and yes I haven't post in awhile sorry, I deleted a chapter that I didn't publish so yea- anyways to the Fanfiction


Day 1...
Monday 2:46 pm...

Purpled's POV

I was chopping down wood at the forest near my house, I needed to prepare for the zombies, I needed barriers to atleast slow them down

After that I went back home, good thing there wasn't that much zombies, building some barriers there was already a small crowd of infected, I sighed. Shooting them with my bow was easy enough, they were weak, but I know they'll get stronger by days to come that's why I'm preparing (Duh 🙄💅✨)

Time skip...
5 hours later...

I have been eating to much of my food while being outside, Fuck, guess it's time to get out and search for food, why do I run out of food so quickly

Going into one of the houses, I saw a boy, he look the same age, but a little shorter (There is height difference in this fanfiction btw) he had blonde hair and he was holding a spear, I think he was also searching for things, but I don't know if he is infected or not

"Hey!"...I whispered yelled at him, he jumped a bit in shock..."What the Fuck?!"...He said as he grabbed his spear pointing at me..."Are you infected?"...I ask..."No, I am not, and I'm just trying to find some gear and food"...He said as he got back searching the chest..."I went here for the same reason, but what's your name?"... Asking him, he replied but didn't make eye contact..."Tommy, you?"...So his name is Tommy huh?..."I'm Purpled"...I replied to him, he laughed slightly..."Your name is pretty weird"

After he said that he went outside, I guess he was going to other houses, Tommy looks fairly interesting, but now to the same because he fucking took all the loot in the chest, what a bitch...


Tommy's POV

There wasn't that much survivors left, I thought it was only me, Tubs and Ranboo, guess not

I got back to our base at the mountains rushing because it was getting dark, and that's where the herd of infected will come, look I'm big man Tommy not afraid of anything, well except for losing my friends, they were the people I had left

When I got back, I saw Tubbo making some gear for us, and Ranboo- I don't see him, he probably is in the bunker feeding the animals or outside watering the crops, either that, I didn't care where he was, I only cared of he was safe

I might dislike Ranboo, but I also just want my friends to be safe in an Apocalypse, I don't want them dead or to be infected

Time skip...
2 hours later...

Still Tommy's POV

It was dark, I went up to the watchtower and think to only see a 'Few' zombies, and surprise surprise... There was a FUCKING crowd of zombies and look a blood moon, how could this any worse, they could break wood-

Fuck my luck...

This day- or night is truly awful, I went down the watchtower as fast as I can to warn Tubbo and Ranboo, No I wasn't gonna attack the Zombies all by myself that be very stupid, I may an idiot but I am not stupid (Meme reference✨)

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