Married before?

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Tommy and Purpled have been Platonically married before Exile, they had been friends ever since they were five, Purpled always (Platonically) like Tommy as they grew older he had the time to finally proposed to Tommy he always wanted to be with him and now they were but 3 months after they got married Purpled had watch what had happened to Tommy everything, he saw getting exile by his so called "best friend" so He would always visit him every single day in exile to take care of his Platonic husband

2 weeks has past, Purpled didn't visit him yet what has happened?! Why did he stop did something happen, later when Dream came..."Tommy!"...Dream said as he came towards him..."Hi Dream"...He said with Disappointment..."What's wrong Tommy"...Dream said leaning towards Tommy..."Well Purpled didn't visit for the past two weeks"...Tommy said facing the ground..."That means we're gonna have some fun Toms"..."What d-do you mean?"...He said and looked up seeing dream holding a Axe..."WAIT DREAM WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS!"...Dream hit Tommy three times leaving him on 2 hearts..."That was fun, I'll do it again tomorrow and after that and again and again!"...He said pointing the axe towards Tommy's chin

That's when the cycle happened he couldn't bare the pain he wanted everything to stop he wanted things to be normal again he wanted Purpled back

Prison/Death arc

"Dream!"...He yelled crying in pain..."DREAM s-Stop Pl-please s-stop"...Before dying he thought about Purpled the memories they had it will be gone everything memory he had all would be gone nothing left he just left his husband like that that can't be the end! But it was to late

"TommyInnit was slain by Dream"

Purpled saw the Communicator, he started to shiver making him fall on his knees crying he could do nothing! He just cried, he failed protecting Tommy he failed a job that he promised, he failed his husband, he couldn't do anything for his husband was dead all he did was wep

The person that he love the most is dead he was a failure

Ghost arc

Tommy had been awoken to see such bright light he looked at his hand it was gray he looked at his non-existenting feet to see that he was floating..."Who am I?"..."Welcome, GhostInnit to the afterlife would you like to go to the overworld"...Said a voice..."I-i okay!"...Tommy said looking up but only seeing white..."Very well then"... Teleporting To overworld...

GhostInnit was in the overworld he got interested imedietly the first thing he saw was a grave..."What is this? Who died?"


"TommyInnit a grateful best friend, strong worrier, loving husband and our Family"

Tommyinnit 2*** - 2021


GhostInnit looked at the grave the name was familiar, but it why was it hard to remember? GhostInnit heard footsteps behind him he turned around and saw a person who had a purple hoodie dirty blonde hair and gray eyes, the person imedietly looked at GhostInnit..."Tommy?!"...the person said with tears in his eyes..."I'm afraid your incorrect, I'm GhostInnit!"...He yelled raising his hands in the air..."No, you can't be your really Tommy! It's me Purpled your husband!?"...He yelled coming closer to GhostInnit..."I'm sorry but who are you?"... Purpled stood there frozen he was speechless, how could Tommy forget him?! He was devested only to be left with tears in his eyes..."I'm sorry! Did I make you sad?! I didn't mean to!"...He touch the crying boy, the touch turned to a hug..."W-what-"... Purpled said looking back at GhostInnit..."I didn't mean to forget, I just don't remember sorry"... GhostInnit said as he hugged Purpled tighter..."It's okay GhostInnit"...Like that he visited his grave almost everytime

6 days after Tommy's death

Purpled visited Tommy's grave again but this time he didn't see GhostInnit he worried, he only would hand out near the grave and place with the flowers, where was he? So Purpled put a Yellow flower/rose and made his way next to the prison, and there he saw Tommy..."Tommy?"...He looked up and saw his husband, Tommy looked back at him he widen his arm as Purpled came running towards him hugging Tommy..."I'm sorry I didn't get to protect you! I'm sorry"...He said crying stuffing his face in Tommy chest..."Purp, don't blame yourself please, it wasn't your fault, atleast I'm here now"...Tommy said Kissing him on the forehead and hugging him back..."Thank you"...

"I'll promise that'll actually protect you my Sunshine"

•End was rush I made this In 12 am, and thank you for the request Sabby232622! Anyways remember to stay safe and eat food and stay hydrated don't forget I love you! See you in the next Oneshots, bye bye my little Raccoons 💛🤍💜🖤 💖💛💙•

Word count: 830

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