Reject adventure, return to summoner

Start from the beginning

You slowly walk into axel. Unfortunately you had to leave AT-AT outside due to the fact that he was too tall. Then some realization hits you.

Y/N: Wait... there's probably a registration fee to get into the guild. I doubt they'd pull a fairytale and let a kid in for free.

You start to search your pockets to you feel something rattling. You pull out your pocket and notice a small bag with a note.


Inside this bag is 10,000 eris. The registration fee should only be 1,000 so hopefully you can get a room with the remainder of the money. Also if you see this note before you get into axel. Try not to scare everyone with your giant robot. There's already one running around, they don't need to worry about another. I wish you luck on your journey.

With love from a goddess


Y/N: Oh yeah, it's all coming together now.

Y/N sees a giant building bigger then the rest. He can only assume it's the guild hall.

He enters the building and well-behold. He was right. He hears footsteps coming to the left of him. He looks over and sees what appears to be a waitress.

Waitress: Hello, if your here for a drink. Go over to one of the tables. If your registering go to the counter over there. (Points over to the counter)

And just like that she runs off. Just like your average NPC, also like your dad.

Our main character then starts to make his way over to the counter. He then sees someone with large... assets.

???: Hello, are you here to register for the guild?

Y/N: You would be correct.

???: I see, we'll my name is Luna. (I think that's her name and I'm too lazy to check) There is a registration fee of 1,000 eris.

Y/N then flips a coin over to her.

Y/N: Will that be enough?

Luna: Yes, it's the perfect amount. Please follow me so we can choose your class.

Y/N: Ok...




Luna: suba!


Y/N puts his hand over a blue, crystal ball, thingamajig. Luna takes a look over his states and is slightly amazed.

Luna: (amazed) Your stats are really good. Your luck is kinda low. And your heath is a little below average, aswell as your stamina. But everything else is very high above average.

The whole guild turns to you and start to mumble, but you can't hear what they're saying.

Luna: You can be a majority of things except crusader.

Y/N: Is their a summoner class?

Luna: Their is a summoner class. But it's very hard to master.

Y/N: Well like a great man once said, "just say screw it and do it." I'll pick this summoner class.

The whole guild erupts in congratulations to you.

R/A 42: Welcome to the gates of hell kid! You might just beat the devil king!

Y/N: 'plan on it'

After a minute to the cheering starts to die down. At this time you're currently checking out your adventure card, and you were seeing somethings... that weren't supposed to be there. At least you think so.

L.V - 3

AT-ST - 20 points
AT-M6 - 46 points
LAAT -Air summon- 125 points
USS Alabama -water summon- 10 points
The twin AT-AT'S - 30 points
A6-Juggernaut - 60 points
Rebels AT-AT - 12 points

Passive skills.

Familiar communication - 5 points
Hardened steel - 12 points
Longer bond - 2 points

Current points - 12

Y/N: Woah... what's true freedom? Wait... USS Alabama...

Sure... why not.

Y/N holds his finger over USS Alabama. His adventure card glows a bright blue before the option of the USS Alabama is taken away. He looks towards his active spells and he sees that he's able to summon...

 He looks towards his active spells and he sees that he's able to summon

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The USS... Alabama.

And just so we're in the clear... I do not own fairytale. I own nothing exempt for Y/N. So... we good now. Ok? Ok.

1237 words

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