Chapter 16

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Three weeks pass and Y/N and Tony hangout more then ever. Always laughing with and or at each other. Y/N had been training with Steve and Natasha non-stop trying her best to get into the best shape possible. She had also been training with Loki on learning how to use her powers. She had talked to Fury about simple missions; trying to avoid having to kill any of the enemies, he said she needed to be in almost perfect shape and have her magic under full control so she won't have another out burst or lose control.

"Jarvis, can you call Y/N down to the lab please, don't tell her why though." Tony says. He has been working on something for her for the past couple of weeks.

Ten minutes pass and Y/N comes through the lab doors. She has a big smile on her face. "What's up Tones?" She asks using her newest nickname for Tony. She goes to Tony, standing in front of him and places a small kiss on his cheek.

"I have something for you, Wizard." Tony says. Tony nods to the box wrapped in green wrapping paper on the metal table. Tony grabs it and hands it to Y/N.

She starts to open it and once the top of the box is off it reveals a beautiful forest green jump suit. It has a black utility belt, able to hold knifes and guns. There is a pair of matching boots with little holsters in them for a small knife. "Oh my god, Tony." Y/N gasps. She pulls out the suit, "it's amazing!"

"I thought you needed an outfit for when you go on missions with everyone." Tony says.

"Wait! Fury gave the okay for me to go on missions?" Y/N asks almost dropping the box.

"Yup! Though you have to start out with small missions working your way up. That's the only condition." Tony says. "Go try it on, I want to make sure it fits perfectly before you go out."

"I'll be right back!" Y/N runs to Tony's office across the room. She quickly changes into the outfit and put on her utility belt around her waist making sure it's secure. She slips on her boots and puts the small knife she always carries in her boots holster.

She comes out of the office and walks to Tony and does a little spin, "How do I look?" Tony looks at her and freezes. The leather fits her body perfecting, it wasn't to big but not tight enough where she couldn't move freely.

"You... you look amazing." Tony finally says.

"I'm flattered, and it fits perfectly, I love it." Y/N says. She goes closer to Tony and pulls him into a hug. "Thank you so much, Tony." she whispers.

"My pleasure, we don't want you going out and fighting bad guys in sweat pants and a t-shirt do we?" Tony jokes making Y/N laugh.

"I need to show everyone, and tell the good news. I also need to go train in this get use to the feel." Y/N says pulling away. She kisses Tony and runs off to the doors of the lab. She turns to see Tony standing there watching her and waves to her "thank you, again!" Y/N calls out before going through the doors quickly and to the elevator.

Before Y/N can find anyone Jarvis interrupts over the whole building intercoms "Mr. Rogers would like everyone to meet in the conference room." Y/N changes her path to go the opposite way, towards the conference room. When she gets there everyone is already in the room waiting to start.

"Y/N, finally, It took you long enough." Laughs Clint from his seat at the long table.

"Sorry, I was looking for all of you to show off my new tactical gear Tony made me." Y/N says taking a seat between Tony and Loki.

"Y/N, your looking like a badass in that." Natasha says. "You look great."


Steve gives Y/N a nod and stands up in front of everyone. "Okay everyone, I've gathered you all here because I got message from SHIELD telling me we have a new mission." Steve says "SHIELD has located another small Hydra base. Our mission is to take it down and gather the information we can from the computers with a high tech USB stick....."

As Steve talks Loki leans over to Y/N and whispers to her "green looks very good on you, almost as good as it is on me."

"Always the one with the best compliments." Y/N replies back when she leans over to Loki.

"The people going on this mission will be Me, Nat, Tony, Loki, and Y/N. We will be leaving tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock am." Steve says a little louder to get everyone's attention. "Get your stuff together and get some rest, dismissed."


The next day at 5 o'clock am everyone gathers at the air lift waiting to get on the quinjet to head to the hydra base. "Are we ready to go everyone?"

"Everyone is here, let's kick some Hydra ass." Tony says jumping on the spot.

"What's got you all hyper?" Asks Natasha.

"Lots and lots of caffeine." Tony answers. Loki gives Tony a strange, look earning an infamous eye roll "it's 5 am Mischief, not everyone is a god like you who doesn't sleep and doesn't need coffee for energy." Tony retorts.

"Okay you two, break it up. It's time to go on the mission." Steve says. Everyone gets on the quinjet and takes their seats until they are in safe cruising speed in the sky.

Once the quinjet is in the air everyone starts to move together in their own groups before Steve gets everyone together to talk about the game plan.

"Okay everyone, the plan is to split up into groups and attack them from the sides. SHIELD says that the base is abandoned but we should take precautions still." Says Steve. "Natasha and Loki you two will take the left side of the building and sweep the whole place while me and Y/N will go through the right to get right to the main control room and get the information. Tony you will stay in the air flying around watching out for incoming enemies, just in case."

"Why do I have to be the look out," Tony complains, "why do I have to do the boring job."

Steve rolls his eyes rubbing his face with a hand "because you're the only one able to fly, Tony."

Before Tony could start to argue back Natasha interrupts from the cockpit "3 minutes to landing." The quinjet lands 100 metres away from the hydra base and everyone unloads.

"Does everyone know what you are doing?" Steve asks everyone.

"Yup!" Says Y/N pumped for her first mission as an official Avenger.

"Y/N, if you need something use the earpiece everyone has and I will fly in there so fast they won't know what hit them." Tony says coming up to you side resting a hand on your shoulder.

"Thanks Tones."

Steve puts on his helmet and puts his hands on his hips, "Okay everyone, let's do this!"

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