Chapter 17

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Natasha and Loki head to the left of the building going through the door and start to sweep the building. Y/N and Steve go to the right and start searching for the control room. "This way Steve, there seems to be a map over here." Y/N says heading to an end of a hallway. There is a map showing where everything is, the storage rooms, the basement and the control room.

  "We gotta go down that hall..." Steve says pointing towards the south, "and turn right twice then it's the third door on the left."

"Okay let's go." Y/N says and starts to jog down the hall. Steve starts to jog with her getting to her side easily.

"So what's going on with you and Tony?" Steve asks.

"I don't know what you are talking about?" Y/N says playing dumb. Steve stops Y/N in her path and turns to her.

"I've seen how you two look at each other and at the meeting yesterday he wouldn't stop smiling the second you sat beside him" Steve interrogates.

"We have gotten closer that's all..." Y/N says quickly, she slips under Steve arm and starts walking again. "Plus it's non of your business, Cap."

Steve leaves it at that not continuing the conversation. They find the control room and Steve takes the USB stick and starts fiddling with it around the computers. "Do you want me to do that, Steve?" Y/N asks stepping beside him putting her hand out for the USB stick.

"Yeah sorry, all this electronic stuff these days I still haven't gotten used to it all." Steve sighs handing the stick to Y/N.

Y/N quickly plugs it in and turns on the computer and starts typing in codes as instructed by Bruce the night before. Steve stands at the door on look out as she works her magic. Y/N hacks into the file system searching for all files contributing to super soldiers, and experiments Hydra is or was working on.

"I'm almost done here, Steve." Y/N calls out. "Everyone, I'm just finishing up on transferring the files SHIELD needs." Y/N repeats through the intercoms after unmuting.

"Okay, everything seems clear from up here." Tony says.

"Me and the trickster haven't found anything either." Natasha says "though I might murder him if he keeps annoying me."

"Agent please, I'm merely doing the mission at hand." Loki argues.

"Files have been transferred, we're coming back now." Y/N says then mutes the coms. "Do you know what they used this place for, Steve?" She tossing him the stick for safe keeping's.

"SHIELD told me very little, but this place was only a hide out and control panel for Hydra supposedly." Steve answers. "Let's get out of here before-" Steve tries to continue but he turns to face Y/N and sees a mystery man behind her with a gun to her head and an arm wrapped around her. Steve quickly pulls out his gun.

"Stay back, I know you have a USB-stick with the files on it, give it to me and no one gets hurt!" The man tightens his grip around Y/N's neck with his arm. "Put your gun down!"

"Okay... I'm going to slowly put down my gun and kick it towards you." Steve says calmly, yet his heart races in his chest. He slowly bends down and places his gun on the ground before stands back up and lightly kick it over.

"Give me the USB stick." The man says turning off the safety on his gun, "GIVE IT TO ME!"

"You know I can't do that..." Steve says taking a small step towards them "How about you let my friend go, and we talk like civil people."

Before Steve could step any closer the man with the gun turns it towards him and pulls the trigger shooting a bullet straight for Steve chest.

"NO!" yells Y/N, having no time to think Y/N uses her powers or turn the bullets path towards her and the Hydra agent. It skims her side and hits the hydra man in the abdomen killing him instantly.

Steve runs to Y/N's side wrapping and arm around her to help her walk. Steve unmutes his coms and informs then group of what happened "Y/N has been hit, there was a Hydra agent left in the building. We are coming out as fast as possible." Steve turns to Y/N "Do you think you can walk back to the quinjet?"

"Yeah, I think I can." She says trying to take a step before practically falling into Steve. "I guess not." Y/N says in an annoyed voice.

"Y/N! Y/N, are you okay!" Tony asks worriedly through the coms. "Talk to me Y/N!"

She turns on her coms and answers Tony, "Yeah I'm fine, I just got nicked by the bullet I'll explain what happened back on the jet." She lets out a groan.

"I'm coming in to get you." Tony says not looking to negotiate.

"It's fine Tony, I'm fine."

"To late." Tony says flying into the building through the walls in his suit. He comes up to Steve and Y/N, his helmet retracting into his suit.

Tony takes Y/N's face in his hands and places a kiss on her forehead. "Are you sure you're okay?" Looking down at the wound in her side she is clutching as blood leaks out.

"I will be once Bruce patches me up."

Tony looks to Steve, "I won't tell anyone." Steve says with a small smile, addressing the show of affection.

"Let's get you out of here." Tony says putting his helmet back on, picking her up and flying out of the building, leaving Steve to walk back himself.

Tony and Y/N gets back to the jet as everyone runs back. Everyone gets on and Natasha quickly takes off rushing back to the tower. "Call Banner tell him we are on our way." Steve tells Tony and that's what he does. Tony calls Bruce informing him of the situation and telling him to get ready.

They get back to the tower and rush Y/N to the infirmary. "Get her on the table and get the wound exposed." Says Bruce. Steve and Tony place her on the table and Natasha uses her knife to cut open Y/N's suit at the side to expose to wound for better access. Bruce injects a local sedation and starts to clean the would with rubbing alcohol.

Tony is right by Y/N's side holding her hand as she tightly closers her eyes turning her head away from Bruce. Bruce stitches the wound before using the portable x-ray machine. "I need to make sure there isn't any internal bleeding or fragments of the bullet in you." Bruce explains.

After ten minutes Bruce comes back with good news "Everything is all good, you have to go easy for a while and no training or missions until I give you the okay."

"I think I can handle that." Y/N says trying to sit up. She's let's out a groan and Tony puts his hand on her back helping her up.

"Let's get you to bed for some rest." Tony says. Tony and Steve help Y/N to her room and lay her down before Steve leaves Tony and her alone.

"You did good today." Tony says. "I'm sorry this happened to you."

"Don't worry about it, I have a new story to tell, and a new scar to brag about. Plus it isn't your fault it was mine I should have moved out of the way."

"Get some rest, Witch," Tony teases, "you can tell me the whole story tomorrow when you feel better." Tony places a kiss on her forehead and start to leave. Y/N grabs Tony's shirt dragging him back down and kissing him properly. They pull away and Tony leaves the room with a content smile on his face. Leaving Y/N alone with her guilt of killing once more.

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