She's a Stark!

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Rose was dreading the haul of this day, she had thrown up in the first to class periods, and was brutally exhausted. She had one more class period before her favorite class then lunch. Making it through third period was going to be brutal.

"Today we are" Glancing down at her lesson plans and smiling, they were doing norse mythology and it appeared Loki had found them and written notes on himself. "Norse Mythology" There was an uproar in the class, mythology was always a hit, but the uproar of excitement made her head pound. Putting her hand on her forehead waiting for it to calm down for her to continue. The smart one in the class, obviously only in this class because she doesn't test well or she hadn't done state testing before raising her hand. Rose nodded at her signaling to speak. "Miss. Stark Why is it called mythology if they are Avengers" Another kid raised their hand, with excitement almost as if he had figured something out. "Yes Manuel, Do you have an answer to Anna's question?"

"No, but I think I figured something out about you."

"Oh ya and what is that?" She said, tilting her head at her.

"You're an Avenger, Well at least your dad is." The hole class uproared again

"Calm down, calm down, yes My dad is Tony Stark and technically I am registered Avenger. But they only registered because Fury is scared my heart eyes mean something. I Technically have three jobs, Teacher, Avenger, and I work for Stark industries." Another uproar

"Back to our regularly scheduled programming, To answer Anna's question, It's called Mythology because they tend to make things up to seem cooler" Hands went up around the classroom at this point Rose realized the entire lesson plan went out the window. Today they were all going to ask her about Loki and Thor. No complaints she gets to talk about her Boyfriend for an hour, and I guess his brother.
"What is Thor like?"

"Like a puppy, specifically a golden retriever."

"What is Loki like?" A question Rose didn't know how to answer, I mean she did, she definitely did, but how far was too far.

"A lot sweeter than he is made out to be, he reads into things and likes to know things but doesn't communicate well. But-" Realizing she had probably gone too far and was about to start talking about Bucky.

"Can you give Thor my number?" Rose chuckled she was about to be hypocritical.

"Do you realize how old he is? He is 1000 something and you're what 14?"

"15 actually" She snapped back "He is hot though"

"Mmm, is he though?" The whole class erupted in laughs. "Okay then which brother do you like?"

"Easy Loki" She answered immediately. The whole class started ooooin. "Does Miss. Stark has a crush."

Then the bell rang. "ooo, what a cliffhanger see you next week." Usually she dreaded that class they were a lot to handle but today, though they didn't do anything she had planned, it was fun. She enjoyed their presence today.

Fourth period her favorite, She knows you're not supposed to pick favorites but this class was so above and beyond. It was her National History Day class which was already her favorite to teach and they were deep into their projects. So sometimes she would just talk through the class, or play a movie in the background.

"Good Morning, do you want to know what the fourth period figured out today?" Everyone in the class pulled their heads from their laptops. Bree raised her hand. "Did they finally connect the dots to your last name?'

"Correct, they heard Stark and Avenger in the same sentence and finally figured it out."

"How did they react?"

"It was interesting to say the least one of them asked for Thors number" Everyone laughed, except Bree, she made the same face that Rose made when people hit on her dad. Rose didn't think much about it as Bree went back to her book.

"They also asked me which brother I thought was cuter." Another hand went up from the back. "Which do you think is cuter?"

"Loki, hands down. Now get to work, I will play a movie in the background" Walking over to her desk. "Any suggestions?"

"Why do you think Loki is cuter?" Rose stopped in her tracks not really knowing how to answer, I mean she did but she didn't. She knew subconsciously, she knew every reason why she wanted to love him, but fraseing it, fraseing it to some ninth graders. "He is just better I mean who wouldn't go for a mentally ill, gender fluid, god, with daddy issues" That got a chuckle from Bree. She raised her hand "Especially if they are gay"

"Exactly" Flash made a face, and Rose could tell he was going to make a comment. "Flash if you say anything I will send you out."

"We are Watching Zootopia" A few grones rise up in the class. "You guys didn't pick anything" Eyes roll, heads go down, all in annoyance . "You brought this upon yourself"

"We have seen it like three times this week" A student dragged on. "And if you can recite the entire thing I will give you extra credit" Now it was a competition, a few advanced kids competing to get extra credit, through a children's movie. "By next week if you can recite the whole thing I will give you an assessment worth extra credit." Advanced kids were competitive, this is why she loved this class. They always participated and always made it a competition. The environment was so exciting.

Their energy got her through the rest of the day, well them and lunch. Food could do a lot for a girl.

"I am home " She announced as she walked into the compound. Loki greeted her, and by greeting her she teleported right in front of her. "Hello Darling" Making Rose jump. "You know as much as you apologize for scaring me, you continue to do it." She sassed putting her hands on her hips, looking up at him. "Sorry, my love I am just excited to see you" Leaving a peck on her lips. "It's fine as long as you make it up to me" She smirked at him. "I can definitely do that" Kissing her again "Do you want to go to Buckys tonight?"

"Yes please, but can we wait till after dinner?"


A/N: I feel like I am posting this late but thats because I am an old lady who goes to bed at like 8:30. This chapter is kinda feels like a filler but one of the characters from this chapter is important. Also important note Peter is in her 4th period, I don't know if I mentioned that. Also, ADHD brain is writing two BOOKS ahead and that shit is sad so... Anyways I am going to bed.

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