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A green light engulfs them, it was warm, kind of comforting to rose it felt like a hug, warm and gentle. The comfort probably actually came from Loki's tight grip on her hand. They appeared in a small run down apartment, Rose didn't know what she expected but it wasn't this. "Where are we?" She glanced around trying to locate it. He just pulled her by the hand deeper into the apartment.

"Buck baby, I am home and I brought someone." Rose was very, very confused.Baby? he is in a relationship. Home? We aren't still in the tower.

"Where are we?" She was starting to get angry, upset, confused. Loki simply turned and put a figure over his mouth to signal to be quiet. When a man, dark brown hair falling in front of his face. It was dark so that's all she could see. "Who?" He crocked "Rose the girl I was telling you about Buck" Loki assured him. Girl he talked about? He only talked to me today? She was getting lost in thought tiring to focus, trying to figure what was happening.

"Hi?" It come out a lot quieter than she intended. Loki dropped her hand and walked over to Bucky. "I would have warned you but, we were watching a movie and Tony was coming back from a mission pissed." Loki explained playing with Bucky's shirt. "It's okay love, I am happy you are here" Giving him a light kiss on the forehead.

"Hi, new here can I have this explained to me?" She raised her hand jokingly. "Oh yes darling, sit" Moving his hand to direct her to the counter with two raised stools, before creating another with his green magic. Rose climbed up into the raised stool, it wasn't that tall but it definitely took more effort then the six foot men. The three of them sat at the table in silence for a moment before Loki spoke up. "What do you want explained dear?"

"Ummm.... I don't know where are we?"

"Romania" He respond casually



"What is Bucky to you"

"My Boyfriend"

"Then why am I here?"


"What does that mean?"

"I mean we want a three and we like you"

"You just met me!"

"I can see into your mind."

"YOU CAN WHAT!?!" She stood up from the chair livid and threw her hands on the counter. Well at least that is what she tried to do, it was a lot more anti-climatic considering her height. "I assumed someone would have told you" Loki chuckled.

"No, I didn't even know about Sokovia till I saw it on the news and only knew about New York because I caught the beginning. My dad doesn't want me to 'worry'" She answered annoyed

"Doll, can you sit down please, and we can explain everything" Bucky spoke quietly and placed his hand on hers

"Can we stop with the fucking pet names" She sits down still irritated. "They are just confusing" She huffed, her voice calming down. "Nope" Loki said Poppin the P. "Loki, Don't be an asshole!"


"Loki, I will have this conversation by myself" Loki huffed and slid down in his chair "What do you know?"

"Nothing apparently" She huffed in frustration. She wasn't one to not know. How could I not know that I have studied him I have to teach about him for gods sake.

"Don't get frustrated, mythology hides a lot, they only says what makes them cool" Bucky was trying to calm her down. Frustration scared him, it would usually mean bad things for The Winter Soldier, so it meant bad things for him. "Loki has a very long list of abilities. Astral projection, shape-shifting, hypnosis, molecular rearrangement, energy blasts, levitating, conjuration, cryokinesis, telekinesis and teleportation. Just to name a few, he is a lot, and history will hide it sometimes. He isn't painted in a good light ethier." He soothed her with her words. "I teached high school history I should know this." She was just getting more frustrated.

"Do you know who I am" Trying to change focus, get her to calm down. "You are James Buchanan Barnes, 'Bucky' also known as The Winter Soldier. A World War II veteran, a former officer of the 107th Infantry Regiment and the best friend of Steve Rogers since childhood. You had enlisted into the army and were assigned to the 107th in 1943. Your regiment was captured by HYDRA, where you were given a variant of the Super Soldier Serum by Arnim Zola. You, along with whoever still remained from your regiment, was later rescued by Rogers, who had become Captain America during your absence. Upon joining forces with the continuing war, you and Rogers formed their Howling Commandos, to battle Red Skull's forces. However, during the attempt to finally capture Zola out in the Austrian Alps, you were caught up in the ambush and plummeted hundreds of feet from a train. As nobody was ever recovered, you had then been presumed deceased, becoming honoured as a hero.Unbeknownst to your team, your enhanced abilities allowed him to survive the fall, albeit with the loss of his left arm. Once you were found by the Soviet Union, as well as HYDRA, you had subsequently been brainwashed and armed with a new cybernetic limb in order to then become their operative, known as the Winter Soldier. Over those next fifty years, you would eliminate anyone who posed any kind of threat to HYDRA." Bucky didn't expect her to know quite that much. Loki sat up in his seat glancing his eyes back and forth between them. "I told you"

"What did you tell him?" Loki just stands up ignoring her question. Roses
eyes following him as she walks around the table stopping in front of Rose. Staring deeping into her eyes, turning around and getting a nod from Bucky. Pulling her up by the arm, her small frame looking up at his eyes. His tall frame staring down at her, looking intrigued, and mesmerized by her. He grabbed Rose's face, lifting her head and pulling her into a kiss. Pure electric, almost bruising, it was so anticipated and wanted, needed. Before Bucky's hand pulled her into his embrace, holding her close to his chest. "Can I kiss you too?"


A/N: I don't know how to feel about this chapter. Also I ended two chapters in a row with "yes", so I don't know pore writing, it could have been one chapter, didn't feel like writing anymore. Probably all of the above. Also Loki is an ass in this chapter and there are minor plot holes but it made the chapter better so don't complain. Anyways I love you guys bye

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