After some time, Nari had finally calmed down and she suddenly remembered something.

"Geum Jandi!" She suddenly called out, her voice unintentionally coming out urgent. Nari suddenly felt guilty as she watched the two girls startle themselves and look towards her in hurry, dropping their conversation, trying to make sure Nari was okay.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you, but I just remembered something." Nari whispered guiltily, looking down at the table. 

"What happened?" Jandi asked.

"You remember Gu Jun-Pyo mentioned something about the name everyone at school seems to be calling you by? What was that about? And more importantly, why didn't you tell me?" Nari inquired, feeling worried for her friend. Even Gaeul was alarmed at Nari's question and looked at Jandi in worry and shock.

Nari could see Jandi slump her shoulders at the mere mention of it. Nari almost felt bad for putting her friend on the spot in such way, but it was necessary that they talked it out and had no secrets from each other.

"It's nothing. I just didn't want to worry you both." Jandi said after a moment of silence. 

Neither Nari nor Gaeul had anything to say. They just exchanged worried gazes with each other, trying to find the right thing to say. Jandi, on the other hand, avoided eye-contact with the girls and awkwardly sipped her smoothie in an attempt to ease the awkwardness. 

"Nonetheless, you must tell us next time. We're your friends. We should be there for you." Nari softly reprimanded. It was then that a realization dawned on Nari: this was the first time she had out loud admitted to being friends with Jandi and Gaeul and it was the first time she was reassuring the girl of their friendship.

Just the thought of being a good friend to her made Nari's heart fill with warmth. The thought of protecting someone instead of being protected made Nari feel worth more than she was. It made her happy knowing she, too, could be someone to rely on.

A warm smile decorated itself on Nari's face at the thought. Seeing Nari smile so prettily took away Jandi and Gaeul's breath. They finally understood why Nari was known as the 'Goddess of Shinhwa'. They were sure that if they were guys, they, too, would have fallen for Nari and her ethereal smile. The pair felt glad to have such pretty and kind friend. 

The trio chatted away for a while before Jandi and Gaeul decided to leave. 

"It's time for our shift at the porridge shop. We have to leave." Gaeul said, apologetically. Nari's lips formed into a pout with her bottom lip sticking out a bit. She looked like an upset child at the comment. Nonetheless, she nodded. 

"But I will pay for our drinks." Nari added, adamantly. Seeing the determined look on Nari's face, other two girls decided to not argue. 

Upon reaching agreement, the trio decided to bid their goodbyes with Jandi and Gaeul leaving first. Nari had suggested Butler Kim drop them off, but they were getting late and couldn't wait for Butler Kim to arrive. 

Nari went to the counter to pay. Butler Kim had yet to arrive, so she had some time to kill. Nari decided to kill time by taking a look around in other shops in the plaza. Upon paying the money she owed, Nari moved towards the exit of the shop. She took out her phone to inform Butler Kim that she will be taking a look around in other shops so he should text her when he gets to the location.

Nari was busy typing away and didn't notice another figure coming towards her. Still lost in her phone, she ended up crashing into a hard chest, letting out a muffled sound. She felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around her waist as she waited for the impact of the floor. 

His Nari: A Boys Over Flowers FFWhere stories live. Discover now