Chapter Thirty-Seven: It must be believed to be seen

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Months after Stephen was given to Cedric, he was getting closer to his first birthday. Cedric couldn't wait to celebrate this amazing moment. Madisyn had also had her baby during this time. A boy that she named Jayden. She and Cedric introduced the two children to each other and they seemed to like each other. Playdates were very common with these two. Not that either parent minded. It was cute. The Royal family had been introduced to Stephen during this time and they all helped Cedric take care of him.

Meanwhile, back in Uzacan, (Y/N) had started to feel rather lonely. She missed Cedric, she missed Stephen, and she missed her family. She didn't want them to see her in her sickly state but she really wanted to see them again. So, she decided to invite her family to Uzacan with Tom's permission, of course. Tom was reluctant but said yes to make (Y/N) happy. Cedric and the royal family got the letters a few days later. Madisyn brought Cedric's invite to him personally. He was occupied with Stephen when she walked

"Cedric, a letter arrived for you," Madisyn said

Cedric took the letter and opened it, keeping Stephen in his arms. He read the invitation and got excited but then remembered that Tom will have to be there too. He did worry that Tom is doing something to her. Why would she suddenly be unwell and confused when she was perfectly well before Tom came into the picture. But, maybe this will help him check on her properly.

"Madisyn, would Tom, for any reason, hurt (Y/N)?" Cedric asked

"Why do you ask?" Madisyn asked.

"I'm just worried and something... something doesn't feel right with (Y/N)'s sudden illness."

"If (Y/N) was in any danger, you'd be the first to know."

"Good. But I'm only going to Uzacan to check on her. I have to know if she's safe and away from harm."

So, after packing some things for the babies, they all went to Uzacan with the balloon that left with Tom and (Y/N) after their wedding. Once they arrived, they rode some horses to the gates of Uzacan. Cedric was shocked by the kingdom but quickly shrugged it off. He's here for (Y/N) and nothing else. He still had a bad feeling about this place and Tom. He just doesn't know why.

When they arrived, they got off their horses and waited for (Y/N) and Tom. But all that greeted them was an old sorceress wearing purple robes and a purple cloak. Her face was covered by the hood on the cloak. Cedric was confused. Tom said there were no sorceresses in Uzacan. She had a limp bad enough to need a walking stick, that's all he knew.

'Won't you help me, please? I'm afraid that I might fall for my eyes and knees have grown frail behind this wall. Let me come to you though it appears I've lost my pep. But as this ancient relic read in the tao of Ching, it's said; a "journey" of a thousand miles begins with just one step!'

The Sorceress tried to walk over to them only to fall. But she saved herself by doing a summersault and revealing herself to be (Y/N). Cedric was shocked at the fact that (Y/N), of all people, would pull something like that. This isn't the (Y/N) he remembers. Stephen did seem rather happy to see his mother again

'Beyond this door's a kingdom begat from just a bean. Beyond this door, surprise is in store but it must be believed to be seen. Beyond this door's invention where mind meets with machine. Beyond these gates, astonishment waits but it must be believed to be seen,' (Y/N) sang before leading her family through the town.

'No magic spells or potions. Forswear legerdemain. My kingdom's created from notions all swirling inside of my brain!' (Y/N) almost sounded insane saying that before going back to normal, 'Beyond this door's a banquet of Uzacanian made cuisine. A lucky few will get to pass through but it must be believed to be seen. Beyond this door is music. Come dance betwixt and between. Beyond this waltz is a world without faults but it must be believed to be seen. Beyond this door's a puzzle. You'll find out what I mean. Beyond this gate is the world I create but it must be believed to be seen.'

(Y/N) let everyone have a quick look around as Cedric stayed.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay? This isn't normal behavior for you," Cedric said

"I'm just introducing you to Uzacan how Tom asked, Cedric," (Y/N) said smiling, 'Despite the girl seen at these doors, my childhood home was bland like yours but I knew how to look to find a world that wasn't color-blind. Let's hope that you're a bit like me as you walk through my castle. For in the end there's quite a prize if you can see with more than eyes!'

(Y/N) span away from Cedric and Stephen and started to lead the royal family and the people of Uzacan like a marching band.

'You're life's about to change now so don't get left behind,' (Y/N) and the people said

'Do things appear quite strange now? Imagine the wonders you'll find! Beyond this door is chocolate! So tasty, it's obscene!' (Y/N) sounded insane again and a little confused, 'So follow me for I guarantee that this world I've conceived and all I've achieved, it must be believed to be seen!

"Royal Family of Enchancia, parents, children, kings, queens, sorcerers! Do come in!" (Y/N) said once again sounding insane before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

(Y/N) was definitely not herself and Cedric saw that as clear as day. He had to know what was happening to his old apprentice. Now he sees why she gave Stephen to him. She appeared very confused so goodness knows how that would've affected Stephen if she was still taking care of him. Cedric needed answers and to get the (Y/N) he knew back in the right state of mind.

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