Chapter Thirty-Six: Meeting Stephen

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As the months passed since Stephen's birth, many things had started happening. Cedric has started to stay in his tower pretty much all day, Madisyn and Greylock were expecting their first child, and (Y/N) started to feel unwell again. She wasn't pregnant again but we'll get back to that in a minute. (Y/N) would now send a letter every day telling Cedric what's been going on, the new world she's had to adjust to, how Stephen is doing, and telling him she's not allowed to use magic anymore.

Because Tom's father banished magic, she's not allowed to use it at all. Tom has caught her a few times using it and told her off for it. She's ready to break the rules if this continues but Cedric told her not to. He doesn't want her to get in so much trouble that she gets banished or imprisoned and maybe get Stephen taken from her. (Y/N) would take banishment any day but Tom can't do that because he needs her for a while longer. He needs her to keep the people's trust before he makes his next move on her. Now let's get back to (Y/N)'s sudden illness.

She's been rather confused and it's not because of her trying to fit into a new environment. It's something she doesn't know about. And she'll occasionally be weak or dizzy. She hasn't mentioned any of this to Tom or Cedric because she doesn't want to worry them. It hasn't been going on long so she's not worrying either. But, as it continued, she noticed that she wasn't able to take care of Stephen properly. Missing feeding times, nap times, playing with him, and changing him.

She knew this wasn't good for Stephen so she did the only thing she could think of. She invited Madisyn to Uzacan and told her to take Stephen to Cedric so he could finally meet his son and take care of him. She did that for her friend and took Stephen away. Not before leaving a letter for Cedric explaining what's going on. But Madisyn had to ask Greylock to do it for her as she felt exhausted. She was at least five months pregnant and she doesn't need to be carrying two kids up the stairs to Cedric's tower.

Greylock took little Stephen to Enchancia and asked to see Cedric. Sofia took him up to Cedric's tower where he was reading past letters regarding Stephen. Sofia knocked on his door and he let them in. He was quick to notice the small baby in Greylock's arms. Ignoring the child for now, Cedric asked why the three had come to visit.

"(Y/N) called Madisyn to Uzacan today and he came back with the child," Greylock explained, "Meet Stephen."

Cedric looked at Stephen again and took in how his son looked for the first time. The small amount of hair on his head was Cedric's hair color, he had Cedric's eyes, and (Y/N)'s skin tone. Cedric couldn't hold back the tears of joy as he looked at his son. Greylock then gave Cedric (Y/N)'s letter. He opened it to see what she had to say. She finally confessed to not feeling well and that she wasn't taking care of Stephen because of it. She also explained that she would tell Tom that Cedric is Stephen's Godfather to not cause any suspicions. 

"(Y/N) had a child?" Sofia asked

"She didn't tell you?" Greylock asked her.

"No. We haven't heard from her in months."

"May I hold him?" Cedric asked Greylock

He nodded and handed Stephen to Cedric. Cedric sat down at his workbench, cradling the baby in his arms. It didn't go unnoticed by Sofia that Cedric seemed rather emotional meeting the child for the first time. She knew there was more to this. She read the letter that Cedric had dropped when he took Stephen and got all her answers.

"(Y/N) is sick?" Sofia asked, "And why is she saying that you're the Godfather to avoid suspicion?"

Cedric and Greylock knew that they had been caught. 

"I think she deserves to know," Greylock told Cedric

Cedric was quiet for a moment before looking at Sofia, "I don't know anything about (Y/N)'s illness but I can explain the boy. Stephen isn't Tom's child. He's mine."

"How is that possible?" Sofia asked

"I'm not going to get too far into it but I met with (Y/N) the night before her wedding and we spent the night together. I didn't expect anything to happen until she wrote to me saying she was pregnant. And so, nine months later, here's baby Stephen. We agreed to tell no one about this affair, not even your family. Only me, Greylock, (Y/N), and Madisyn would ever know."

"But someone is bound to find out eventually."

"Sofia, you have to promise me that you'll tell no one about this."


"Because (Y/N) is scared of what will happen to the three of them if anyone found out," Greylock said, "It would ruin Cedric's reputation and Merlin knows what will happen to (Y/N) if Tom were to find out."

"I could care less about my reputation," Cedric spoke up, "I want my family and loved ones safe. Sofia, we don't want to tell anyone because, if this news gets out and people take it the wrong way, goodness knows what would happen to us. Please, for me and for your sister, do not tell another soul what you've heard."

"I promise. No one will know," Sofia said

"Thank you, Sofia."

Stephen started fussing so Cedric gave him some attention. But it became obvious that Stephen needed a nap so Cedric conjured a baby cot and put him down for a nap. Cedric wished this was under better circumstances but he was still happy that he could spend time with his son. He loves his son more than he thought he would. Though he wished he knew what was happening with (Y/N). Why is she suddenly sick? Will she be alright? What is she sick with? Only time would tell. Right now, he has a child to take care of.

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