On an Island in the Sun Part 5

Start from the beginning

"Ah." That . . . well to be honest, it sounded like exactly the sort of thing that Harry's mentally unbalanced and irresponsible godfather would do.


Sirius arrived in front of a large window overlooking a wide stretch of, unfortunately empty, clothing optional beach. Figuring that there was no time like the present to make sure he was able to observe every nook and cranny, he pulled out his new telescope to survey his domain.

After removing the telescope from his eye, he reached up and ran a finger along his cheek, a quick glance at the finger confirmed that it was covered in soot.

"That's m'godson," Sirius announced proudly. Just because a prank was immature and horribly cliched was no excuse not to do it. Quite the contrary, those were both excellent reasons in favor of it.


Remus read and reread the note the panting gull had brought him. Several questions presented themselves. How in the hell had Harry managed to convince

Sirius to leave the country while the triwizard was happening? Why was Sirius instructing him to liquidate the Black assets to buy the most powerful
telescopes and cameras on the market? And finally, what had gotten the man so bloody paranoid about someone stealing his new house?

"Only one thing to do about it," Remus decided. "It's time Harry and I had a little chat."


Harry was reclining on one of the couches while Luna fed him grapes, Susan and Hannah used large feather fans to cool him off, and Fleur stood behind an easel.

"Harry I think I figured . . ." Hermione trailed off as her mind shut down to take in the scene. "What in the bloody hell is going on here!" Of all the things she

was expecting when she'd walked into the room, this was not one of them.

"Shhh," Fleur shushed the girl. "It eez impossible to work with such distractions."

"Apparently, Fleur is quite the artist," Susan explained.

"Where are Daphne and Tracy?" Hermione sighed.

"Sulking in their rooms because we got the fans first," Hannah giggled.

Hermione sidled up behind Fleur to get a look at the painting. "You do good work, Fleur."

"Thank you, I am thinking that we should do a nude after I am finished with this one," the french girl replied, her eyes lingering on Harry.

"You were saying, Hermione," Harry prompted.

"I think I've got a couple ways to get to the bottom of the lake," Hermione said, snapping herself back to the present.

"Good work."

"Thank you, Harry," she said with a faint blush.

"Ould you like me to leave?" Fleur asked.

"I don't mind if you stay," Harry offered.

"Ermione?" the French champion prompted.

"You're one of us now, Fleur. I'll be happy to hear that you can use some of my research."

"Thank you, 'ermione." The French girl beamed at the new additions to her family.

"Okay. The first thing is an enchanted mouth piece so that you can breathe under water, the second is a charm, the third is a plant that will make you grow

"Which do you recommend?"

"All three if possible. It's always nice to have backups."

"Why not self-transfiguration?" Susan asked.

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