On an Island in the Sun Part 5

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Dumbledore frowned when the Headboy came to the meeting without his partner. The two were almost a matched pair, rarely outside each others' presence, even before they'd been elevated to their current lofty positions. He hoped nothing had happened to fracture their relationship, he had quite a bit of money riding on it after all.

"I don't know where she is," the Headboy said as he took his seat. "I've got the prefects looking for her."

"I see." Dumbledore frowned, his money was safe but she might not be. "You don't believe something has happened to her, do you?"

"She's got a score of enemies scattered among all four houses, but they should know better than to try anything," the boy replied, trying to hide his worry.

"I see." Dumbledore's frown deepened. "Perhaps . . . that's her now."

The door swung open to admit the Headgirl. "Sorry I'm late, but I just had to track down a couple rumors before I got here."

"Oh?" Dumbledore prompted, a sly grin appearing on the man's face. "Do tell."

"All of them are about Harry Potter," the girl said as she took her seat.

"They usually are," Dumbledore laughed.

"First is that his mother came back to life somehow along with his father and Lovegood's mother and that they're all insane spell researchers," the Headgirl
began. "Second is that he dropped out of Hogwarts to join the army."

"How do they explain the fact that he's still walking around the castle?" the Headboy asked.

"Time turners, polyjuice, his long lost twin that the Headmaster has been hiding," she replied. "You aren't hiding Potter's long lost twin, are you, Headmaster?"

"Would I tell you if I was?" Dumbledore shot back.

"Another rumor I heard is that Draco Malfoy is a male veela that's chosen Potter as his mate," she giggled. "And that the reason Malfoy is such a git to Potter is because of sexual tension."

"I heard the same, but about Professor Snape," the Headboy volunteered. "Minus the veela part."

"The rumor going around the staff is a variation of the joining the army rumor, they believe he's started an army of house elves," Dumbledore sighed. "They're

also convinced that the house elves have decided to worship Harry as a living god." The three of them shared a laugh. "Any more?"

"One is that Potter accidentally married Granger and Lovegood due to his family having a screwy spell book," the Headboy volunteered. "Another is that

Potter is a juvenile dragon that's able to transfigure himself into a human, sort of a reverse animagus."

"What would that even be called?" the Headgirl asked.

"An anthromagus maybe?" her partner suggested. "Much less chance of a misunderstanding than calling it a homomagus."



Harry was in a state of shock when he made it back to his quarters, a worried Hermione trailing behind, anxious to find out what was causing so much distress to her best friend.

Harry opened the door to his room and paused for a moment. "Hermione."

"Yes, Harry?"

"Tell all the girls to be extra careful with their contraception, please."

"Okay, Harry," Hermione agreed, shooting the boy an odd look. "Any reason why?"

"Sirius thinks it's funny to mess with it," Harry explained as he disappeared into his room.

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